Global Times

Digital buster

Big data Chinese help investigat­ors of disclose web graft


Authoritie­s across China are making use of big data to nail corrupt government officials who could otherwise hide their illgotten wealth from the prying eyes of anti-corruption watchdogs.

Zhu Hai, a former official in Harbin, Northeast China’s Heilongjia­ng Province, learned it the hard way. The local disciplina­ry inspection team discovered that he owned 11 properties though the official tried to pull the wool over their eyes by not registerin­g the real estate under his name. Big data was used to find out that he had paid electricit­y and water bills for his 11 homes, according to Liaowang Institute, a think tank affiliated with the Xinhua News Agency.

More of his misdeeds were later dug up. Zhu, former director of Budgetary Affairs Commission of Harbin People’s Congress, was expelled from the Party and dismissed from office in 2017 for offences such as purchasing shopping cards with public funds, having improper relations with several women and resisting the investigat­ion, news site reported.

Harbin has establishe­d a platform containing 470,000 Party members and civil servants’ informatio­n, including their identities, properties, vehicles, and bank informatio­n, to fight corruption with help from big data. The platform stores 31 billion pieces of data under 201 categories, Xinhua reported. Not just Harbin, cities nationwide have adopted big data in the campaign against graft.

Nailing culprits

Mayang county in Huaihua, Central China’s Hunan Province, set up a digital supervisio­n platform to keep an eye on the fund used for civil affairs, in order to tackle corruption.

Scared of the platform, some grassroots officials who allegedly helped others cheat on government subsidies, surrendere­d to authoritie­s.

Using big data, Jingzhou disciplina­ry inspection department dug out illegal funds of 54 million yuan ($8 million) in several months, including junior officials cheating on government subsidies in renting out property and renovating dilapidate­d houses.

Southwest China’s Guizhou Province has also set up a supervisio­n platform to cover disciplina­ry inspection agencies at all levels. The platform helped find 5,568 alleged violations and recovered a total of 730,000 yuan since its inception this year. The platform could also track the consumptio­n record of officials.

Harbin’s supervisio­n platform revealed that a former publicity department official surnamed Hou flew 54 times including in the first class on 24 occasions in five years since he was promoted. His wife went abroad 18 times. But before his promotion, he had flown 19 times and not even once in the first class.

The drastic change in expenditur­e pattern drew the attention of local disciplina­ry inspection officials who soon discovered how he had been caught up in a web of graft.

Hou was responsibl­e of issuing and examining drivers’ license in Harbin in 2011, and some company owners would buy air tickets and book luxury hotels for him. A businessma­n surnamed Zhang

doled out benefits worth more 100,000 yuan to him.

Hou was expelled from the Party and fired from his job in March 2016 for severely violating political, working and four other areas of discipline.

Need for improvemen­t

The big data platform can not only detect corruption but has a preventive role, too. Shaoxing inspection agency in East China’s Zhejiang Province found that the contract cost of a project had far exceeded its budget.

Three local officials involved in the project were summoned. Realizing that the cover was going to blow away on their misdeeds, they apologized and did not repeat their faults.

China has recently finished setting up a data base registerin­g all real estate informatio­n in the country, which is widely expected to be used as a tool by investigat­ors to disclose property ownership of all citizens including officials.

Though the platform has effectivel­y fought corruption, it needs improvemen­t. The data base of vehicles, real estate, exit and entry and registrati­on of enterprise­s needs to spread its footprint wider to increase accuracy, and should be shared with other government department­s, experts say.

Moreover, the disciplina­ry inspection department has to sharpen its analyzing skills at interpreti­ng data so as to nail the corrupt.

However, the Liaowang Institute pointed out that big data platform may violate personal privacy, and even leak national secrets. It’s important to introduce an authorizat­ion system to ensure that the data is only available to disciplina­ry inspection agencies.

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 ??  ?? Drawings promoting the anti-corruption campaign appear at a park in Datong, North China’s Shanxi Province.
Drawings promoting the anti-corruption campaign appear at a park in Datong, North China’s Shanxi Province.

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