Global Times

Merkel gets ultimatum from ally over migrants


Hardliners in Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservati­ve bloc on Monday gave her a two-week ultimatum to tighten asylum rules or risk pitching Germany into a political crisis that would also rattle Europe.

Interior Minister Horst Seehofer’s CSU party at a meeting unanimousl­y backed his call to give Merkel a fortnight to find a European deal on the burning issue by a June 28-29 EU summit. If Merkel failed, he would order border police to turn back migrants.

Three years after her decision to open Germany’s borders to migrants fleeing war in Syria and Iraq and misery elsewhere, Merkel is still struggling to find a sustainabl­e response to complaints from the CSU, her Bavarian allies, over her refugee policy.

Merkel’s woes come as European Union countries are once again at loggerhead­s over immigratio­n, triggered by Italy’s refusal this month to allow a rescue ship carrying 630 migrants to dock.

Malta also turned the vessel away, sparking a major EU row until Spain agreed to take in the new arrivals.

Seehofer has been one of the fiercest critics of Merkel’s liberal stance, under which over one million asylum seekers have been admitted into the country since 2015.

He wants to turn away at the border new arrivals who have previously been registered in another EU country – often their first port of call, Italy or Greece.

But Merkel says that would leave countries at the EU’s southern periphery alone to deal with the migrant influx. Instead, she wants to find a common European solution at the EU summit in Brussels.

“How Germany acts will decide whether Europe stays together or not,” Merkel told her CDU party’s leadership at a meeting in Berlin, according to participan­ts.

Popular misgivings over the migrant influx have given populist and anti-immigratio­n forces a boost across several European nations, including Italy and Austria where far-right parties are now sharing power.

In Germany, voters in September’s election handed Merkel her poorest score ever, giving seats for the first time to the far-right anti-Islam AfD.

Several high-profile crimes by migrants have also fuelled public anger. They include a deadly 2016 Christmas market attack by a failed Tunisian asylum seeker and the rape-murder in May of a teenage girl, allegedly by an Iraqi.

With an eye on October’s Bavaria state election, the CSU is anxious to assure voters that it has a road map to curb the migrant influx.

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