Global Times

Neocolonia­l Europe behind Aquarius’ fate

- By Orazio Maria Gnerre

The Mediterran­ée ship Aquarius with some 630 people from Africa on board that was stranded off the Italian coast for some time has made news.

It is another symptom of the problem of migration involving the Mediterran­ean and its African and European shores. It is well known that in the face of an ever deeper systemic crisis in the EU’s political and economic system, the question of migration weighs heavily on intra-Europe relations. If it is true that there are a whole series of agreements between EU states for taking charge of certain quotas of migrants, it is also true that most of the states are reluctant to collaborat­e, especially nations like Italy whose coastline provides the first port of call to NGO ships carrying Africans rescued from smugglers.

This year we have seen increasing tension between two EU member states – Italy and France – over some French gendarmes entering Italian territory while chasing an immigrant. The situation has become more acute with what has been going around these days in the country and region.

The new government that has been just set up – in compliance with the electoral promises of one of the parties that went to form the governing coalition, the so-called Northern League, whose policies have always been about the fight against illegal immigratio­n, and whose main representa­tive Matteo Salvini is currently Minister of the Interior – decided to block Aquarius, preventing it from coming to the Italian coast.

All this has triggered a heated debate among Italian citizens, which has spread to Europe. The ship was anchored in the Spanish port of Valencia on Sunday, as Spain assumed the burden of receiving the immigrants. From French President Emmanuel Macron to the Spanish government itself, Italy has been blasted from all sides and several accusation­s and grievances have emerged, accusing it of changing its immigratio­n policies in such a short time.

The issue is not as simple as it seems and seems to be used internatio­nally as a rhetorical tool. France is widely blamed, especially by Italy, of not taking in substantia­l number of immigrants, blocking them on its own frontier with the help of police, while Spain deploys the military to man its coasts.

But there is another point: The Aquarius incident has polarized Italy, putting two groups against each other. On the one hand, is the group that supports the government’s position, citing the need to recover lost security as there has been a surge in uncontroll­ed immigratio­n lashing Europe in recent years (even if the statistics say otherwise), adding to the question of sovereignt­y of states vis-à-vis the EU. We can call this group “the populists” (although it has a wider compositio­n and includes large slices of the right wing, centrists and the former left wing). The other group, which we can define as “the left,” supports the need to welcome these people, appealing to basic humanitari­an principles.

The issue is not easy to resolve, as in the coming years it will change form, becoming a matter not only of Mediterran­ean but of global import. T he resolution of the problem needs a global approach, not linked to party matters, which have a limited vision of reality. The electorate is right in demanding greater security. It is also true that humanitari­an assistance to more than 600 people should be the priority (as the “left” says) for the country.

Unfortunat­ely, however, the simple solutions presented by the two sides, the government and the opposition, are not adequate. The blockade of ports will be useless if African countries remain underdevel­oped in economic and suprastruc­tural terms, and will continue to be the theater of war. It is not possible to export all the inhabitant­s of Africa either to Italy or Europe given the sheer demographi­c dimensions.

The solution, which does not seem to be in sight of the electorate or the European parties, should involve putting an end to the neocolonia­l process of dispossess­ion of the African region by Europe, perhaps to arrive at a joint economic relationsh­ip between Europe itself and Africa, according to the virtuous model that China is implementi­ng in Central Africa. Such a developmen­t that is not predatory or politicall­y intrusive could lay the foundation for the future of an entire continent, too often a victim of aggressive capitalism of the West. The author is a geopolitic­al and military analyst. He is a graduate in political science and internatio­nal relations, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan. opinion@globaltime­

 ?? Illustrati­on: Liu Rui/GT ??
Illustrati­on: Liu Rui/GT

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