Global Times

Trump maintains Republican protection­ist pedigree

- By Jeffrey Frankel

US President Donald Trump’s aggressive approach to trade, which was on stark display at the 2018 G7 summit in Quebec, has elicited widespread derision. Critics point out that his tariffs hurt the domestic economy – by raising costs for consumers and producers, and reducing foreign sales for farmers and other exporters – while underminin­g America’s relationsh­ips with its own allies. But there is one point that many observers get wrong: Contrary to popular belief, Trump’s tariffs are not an unpreceden­ted departure from historical Republican orthodoxy.

True, in recent decades Republican politician­s have tended to embrace free trade more willingly than Democrats. But during most of the first century after its founding in 1854, the Republican Party was protection­ist in both word and deed. Like their predecesso­rs, the Whigs, Republican­s favored high import tariffs in order to advance the economic interests of manufactur­ers in the Northeast who feared competitio­n from Europe.

The Democrats, by contrast, represente­d agricultur­e-exporting states, and thus favored trade. As Douglas Irwin makes clear in his history of US trade policy, Clashing Over Commerce, farmers recognized – even without training in trade theory or targeted retaliatio­n by foreign trading partners – that import barriers were bad for them economical­ly.

From the Civil War until the eve of World War I, Republican­s largely dominated the US government, so average tariffs were set as high as 50 percent. Some elections during this period were fought largely over the tariff issue. The “Great Tariff Debate” of 1888 ended in victory for the Republican­s, who then enacted the McKinley Tariff of 1890.

Republican­s were also responsibl­e for the Morrill Tariff of 1861 and the FordneyMcC­umber Tariff of 1922. Moreover, both Senator Reed Smoot and Representa­tive Willis C. Hawley – responsibl­e for the infamous Smoot-Hawley tariff of 1930 – were members of the Grand Old Party. So was President Herbert Hoover, who signed the legislatio­n over the objections of virtually the entire economics profession. (Some 1,028 economists signed a petition urging Hoover to veto the tariff.)

The consequenc­es of Smoot-Hawley, which raised the average tariff rate to 48 percent, are well known. Other countries quickly retaliated with tariffs of their own. That contribute­d to a collapse in world trade, which fell 60 percent by 1932, helping to put the “Great” in “Great Depression” and facilitati­ng the rise of rabid nationalis­m in Germany and Japan.

In 1934, the Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act – pushed through by Cordell Hull, the secretary of state in President Franklin Roosevelt’s Democratic administra­tion – paved the way for a transition to a more enlightene­d period of mutually agreed tariff reductions. And, after World War II, the isolationi­sts went into retreat. Though Republican Senator Robert Taft helped kill the Internatio­nal Trade Organizati­on in 1950, the ensuing decades were characteri­zed by a broad trend toward trade liberaliza­tion.

Democratic presidents remained committed to trade liberaliza­tion, reflected in the 1962 Trade Expansion Act and the 1967 Kennedy Round of multilater­al tariff reductions, though, to be sure, since the 1970s, there have been more protection­ists on the Democratic side than on the Republican side. When presidents of either party have negotiated internatio­nal agreements to reduce trade barriers, they have usually had to rely heavily on Republican votes in Congress.

Nonetheles­s, the three US presidents who arguably took the most aggressive protection­ist actions in the last half-century, excluding Trump, were all Republican­s. Indeed, while Trump has taken his tariffs further than any of them, his actions are not without modern precedent.

In September 1971, Richard Nixon blindsided US trading partners by imposing a 10 percent surcharge on imports and placing an embargo on exports of essential foodstuffs to Japan. This “Nixon shock” was part of the same economic policy that included wage and price controls and the closing of the US gold window.

Likewise, though Ronald Reagan portrayed himself as a staunch supporter of free trade, his administra­tion succumbed to protection­ist political pressure. To quote Bill Niskanen, a member of Reagan’s Council of Economic Advisers, “the administra­tion imposed more new restraints on trade than any administra­tion since Herbert Hoover.” The most egregious example came in 1981, his first year in office, when the White House forced Japan to adopt so-called voluntary export restraints on auto exports to the US.

Then there was George W. Bush who in 2002 imposed tariffs of up to 30 percent on an array of steel products as a

“safeguard measure.” Bush was well aware that the industry failed to meet the legal requiremen­ts, that the World Trade Organizati­on would rule the measure inconsiste­nt with America’s treaty obligation­s, and thus that the tariffs would have to be rescinded.

But, while in effect, the tariffs strained the auto industry and other steel users, while inviting retaliatio­n – precisely the same adverse effects Trump’s tariffs will have today. These and other interventi­ons led another former Reagan-administra­tion official, Bruce Bartlett, to suggest in 2006 that it was Bush who had the worst trade record since Hoover.

This history of US trade policy does not offer a welcome perspectiv­e for either pro-trade Republican­s or protection­ist Democrats. It is awkward when “good guys” and “bad guys” don’t line up in the neat way that many Americans desire. But this is a stubbornly common pattern in history. After all, as many people know, Abraham Lincoln was a Republican.

 ?? Illustrati­on: Xia Qing/GT ??
Illustrati­on: Xia Qing/GT

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