Global Times

Italy’s Salvini sparks outcry over Roma census plans


Italy’s far-right Interior Minister Matteo Salvini on Tuesday defended his plans to count the Roma community living in the country and deport those without legal status, despite outrage at home and abroad.

“I’m not giving up and I’m pushing ahead! The Italians and their safety first,” Salvini tweeted, after opposition MPs slammed the idea of a census as “racist” and “fascist.”

The anti-immigrant Salvini – already under fire over refusing to let a rescue ship carrying 630 migrants land in Italy last week – had floated the plan on national television on Monday.

A census would allow the authoritie­s to “see who, how [they live] and how many there are,” he argued.

It would then allow the authoritie­s to study the possibilit­y of expelling Roma of foreign nationalit­y without the proper documentat­ion, he said.

Condemnati­on of his proposal was rapid and widespread, with not only the opposition parties but also members of the newly-establishe­d ruling coalition adding their voices.

Deputy prime minister Luigi Di Maio – leader of the anti-establishm­ent Five Star Movement that makes up the coalition alongside Salvini’s League – said any census based on ethnicity would be “unconstitu­tional.”

It is the first time that Di Maio has spoken out against his coalition partner and fellow deputy prime minister Salvini since the populist new government was sworn in on June 1.

The plan also drew the ire of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte.

“No one is planning to create files or conduct a census on the basis of ethnicity, which would be unconstitu­tional because it is clearly discrimina­tory,” Conte said in a statement Tuesday.

He also called for checks to ensure Roma children had access to school services, “since they are often kept out of compulsory education courses.”

The European Union also weighed in on the controvers­y.

EU Commission spokesman Alexander Winterstei­n told journalist­s that “as a general rule, we cannot deport a European citizen based on ethnic criteria.”

 ??  ?? A policeman checks a migrant during a disembarkm­ent from the Italian Coast Guard vessel Diciotti at the port of Pozzallo, Sicily on Tuesday, following a rescue operation of migrants and refugees at sea.
A policeman checks a migrant during a disembarkm­ent from the Italian Coast Guard vessel Diciotti at the port of Pozzallo, Sicily on Tuesday, following a rescue operation of migrants and refugees at sea.

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