Global Times

Malaysian PM intent on renegotiat­ing ‘ridiculous’ Singapore water pact

- Page Editor: wangbozun@ globaltime­

Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said Monday he wants to renegotiat­e a “ridiculous” water supply agreement with Singapore, the latest sign of fraying ties between the neighbors since last month’s shock election.

The 92-year-old returned for a second time as prime minister after his opposition alliance won election, toppling a longruling coalition which Mahathir himself had once headed.

During his first spell in charge of the country from 1981-2003, Malaysia had famously prickly ties with Singapore – and Mahathir has wasted no time in taking aim at the tiny city-state again.

In his latest salvo, he said it was “manifestly ridiculous” that Kuala Lumpur sells water for three Malaysian cents (less than one US cent) per thousand gallons(3,800 liter) to its resource-poor neighbor, under a decades-old agreement.

“That was okay way back in the 1990s or 1930s. But now what can you buy with three sen [cents]? Nothing,” he told Singapore broadcaste­r Channel NewsAsia in an interview.

Asked about plans to renegotiat­e the water supply agreement, he said: “We are studying the case properly and we’ll make a presentati­on.”

Much of Singapore’s water comes from Malaysia’s southern state of Johor. Under a 1962 agreement, Singapore can draw up to 250 million gallons of water per day from the Johor River.

Singapore’s foreign ministry said in a statement the water deal was “guaranteed by both government­s” as part of an agreement which underpinne­d their division into separate states in 1965.

“Both sides must comply fully with all the provisions of these agreements,” it said.

The neighbors were part of the same country for two years from 1963 but it was a stormy union, and Singapore was expelled from the Malaysian Federation as tensions mounted over ethnic issues.

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