Global Times

China, Japan can come closer in business


On Tuesday, some Chinese and Japanese scholars along with former officials organized an event in Shanghai to commemorat­e the 40th anniversar­y of the signing of the Sino-Japanese Peace and Friendship Treaty. The scale of the activities is rare in recent years, reflecting a thaw in China-Japan relations.

After attending the event, former Japanese prime minister Yasuo Fukuda went to Nanjing to lay a wreath and pay tributes to the victims at the Memorial Hall of the Victims in Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders. The news made it to Chinese mainstream media.

Are China-Japan relations turning over a new page?

Another instance may help observe a new breakthrou­gh after 40 years. It is more than a return to relatively stable relations between the two countries in the 1980s.

A Global Times reporter recently interviewe­d Xie Guomin, chairman of Thai Charoen Pokphand, (CP), in Bangkok. He disclosed for the first time that Chinese and Japanese companies, helped by CP, are starting to find a way for cooperatio­n on a developmen­t project – “Eastern Economic Corridor” – in Thailand.

Xie said that Thai companies are willing to join hands with Chinese and Japanese firms to build high-speed railways connecting the three airports in the “Eastern Economic Corridor.”

Since 1978, when the first foreign-funded enterprise – Japan’s Matsushita Electric Co – was establishe­d in China, Japanese companies have set up more than 20,000 factories and firms in China. China has become Japan’s most important overseas market, investment destinatio­n, and source of profit.

In recent years, top-notch Chinese companies like Huawei have also started to set up factories in Japan. At the same time, some Chinese corporatio­ns have also acquired Japanese companies.

Many of the electronic and mechanical products exported by Asian countries to the US, Europe, and the rest of the world are inseparabl­e from the kind of spare parts produced by China and Japan.

In the past, the factories establishe­d by Japanese companies in China were always headed by Japanese managers, and it was tough for Chinese personnel to enter the core management team. This was considered a big hurdle in the way of Sino-Japanese business cooperatio­n.

However, some Japanese companies have begun to make room for more Chinese executives to take senior management posts. The management functions undertaken by Japanese representa­tives sent from Japan are being passed on to their Chinese counterpar­ts.

Sino-Japanese companies already have a basis for cooperatio­n on thirdparty projects. This is the inevitable result of globalizat­ion and also the outcome of 40 years of cooperatio­n.

The Belt and Road initiative provides a new platform for further cooperatio­n between Chinese and Japanese companies.

Japanese officials are still somewhat skeptical about accepting the Belt and Road. This is partly because the initiative was proposed by the Chinese government and interprete­d by Western and Japanese media and experts as “China’s political strategy for leading the world and Asia.” The best way to address this concern is to start exploring the possibilit­y of collaborat­ion in specific projects, rather than sticking to the tag of Belt and Road. CP has provided an excellent opportunit­y for Chinese and Japanese companies. Xie has a Chinese background. Just at the beginning of China’s reform and opening-up in 1978, CP became the first foreign-funded enterprise to apply for registrati­on in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone. CP does not only have broad experience in years of cooperatio­n with both Chinese and Japanese companies but also adequate funds. This cooperatio­n will indeed be difficult at first, but as long as there is pragmatism, both sides will accumulate trust. Taking into account Japan’s political concerns, China may adopt a low-key attitude to the project’s ties with the Belt and Road initiative. Actions matter more than words. Sino-Japanese cooperatio­n will have a far-reaching impact on the direction of the future global order and Asia’s political and economic structure. This, to a large extent, will depend on China’s desire and ability to shape Sino-Japanese relations.

 ?? Illustrati­on: Liu Rui/GT ??
Illustrati­on: Liu Rui/GT
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