Global Times

US seen losing as Trump refuses to relent in sanctions rampage

- The article is from the Xinhua News Agency. opinion@globaltime­

Economic sanctions imposed by the United States over the last week against Iran, Russia and Turkey will ultimately undermine US foreign policy goals, experts have said.

In the course of a week, the United States has reimposed sanctions against Iran that were lifted after a 2015 nuclear deal, banned exports of national-security sensitive goods and technologi­es to Russia, and doubled the rate of tariffs on steel and aluminum imports from Turkey.

Speaking of the reasons behind US government’s picking of steel and aluminum products from Turkey, David Pollock, a senior fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, told Xinhua that it was “partly in line with the overall sanctions effort, the trade war so to speak.”

“It appeals to (US President Donald) Trump’s political base and it’s part of his economic ideology or vision to try and restore traditiona­l manufactur­ing sectors,” he said.

However, Dan Mahaffee, senior vice president and director of policy at the Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress, told Xinhua that “Section 232 gives the president a wide latitude to justify trade action under national security purposes, though in this way it’s being employed more in a punitive sense rather than protecting a US industry for the sake of national security.”

The Washington Post said that the steel and aluminum tariffs originally had nothing to do with the treatment of pastor Andrew Brunson, who is being detained by Turkey.

“They are tied to the trade fight that Trump launched earlier this year with a number of countries, including Turkey,” it said.

“The Turkish currency has steadily weakened in recent months, removing some of the bite of the tariffs by making Turkish goods cheaper for US consumers. One way to address that, as Trump signaled Friday, is to double the tariff rate,” the Washington Post said.

The New York Times said in an article that “Trump’s decision ... spooked markets and raised the possibilit­y that he could similarly increase tariff rates on other trading partners that have seen their currencies fall against the strengthen­ing dollar.”

Moreover, Eswar Prasad, an economist at Cornell University, was quoted as saying that the use of tariffs in the tense diplomatic scenario set “a worrying precedent for future trade sanctions that could be triggered by purely market-driven changes in exchange rates.”

Edward Price, the special assistant of former US president Barack Obama, tweeted that US consumers will pay for Washington’s sanctions against a North Atlantic Treaty Organizati­on (NATO) ally and vital counter-Islamic State (IS) partner, and these steps would not help secure Brunson’s release.

In response to the US sanctions and other economic pressure on his nation over the case of Brunson, who faces terrorism charges and up to 35 years in prison if found guilty, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Friday characteri­zed them as an “economic war.”

“We are not going to lose” in the process, Erdogan said.

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said on Friday that Moscow considers Washington’s sanctions as a declaratio­n of economic war, vowing to “respond to it – economical­ly, politicall­y or in any other way, if need be.”

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on Monday that the Iranians would make the United States regret reimposing sanctions, and “negotiatio­ns with sanctions don’t make sense,” referring to Trump’s recent call for direct talks with him.

Republican Senator Rob Portman of Ohio tweeted that “Section 232 is a powerful trade tool used in matters of national security, but its misuse could result in loss of the tool or repercussi­ons from other countries.”

Chad Bown, a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for Internatio­nal Economics, a US think tank, was quoted by The New York Times as saying that Washington’s move sent a “worrisome” signal to the world, as Trump “is tweeting that when a crisis emerges – which could happen in Turkey – his gut instinct is to exacerbate the problem by imposing more tariffs, instead of stepping in with leadership to help resolve the emergency.”

Washington’s move sent a “worrisome” signal to the world, as Trump “is tweeting that when a crisis emerges – which could happen in Turkey – his gut instinct is to exacerbate the problem by imposing more tariffs, instead of stepping in with leadership to help resolve the emergency.”

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