Global Times

Why deradicali­zation education is ineffectiv­e in Europe

- By Ai Jun

European media and human rights experts who are busy criticizin­g China may need to press the pause button and take a look at the religious radicaliza­tion of their own countries.

According to media reports, about one-fifth of Islamic State fighters are residents or nationals of Western European countries, and among every 1 million Belgians or Swedes, more than 30 are jihadists. The terror attack against the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in January 2015 in Paris once shocked the world. Not soon after people found out that two of the gunmen were born in France.

To cope with radicaliza­tion from the inside, European nations have spared no effort. Facial recognitio­n technology is being tested for use in surveillan­ce operations in the UK. France has been spying on its citizens for years as part of its counterter­rorist system. Brussels set up a center for the prevention of violent radicaliza­tion by helping local young Muslims raise their sense of belonging to Belgium.

The results are not ideal. Take France. Manuel Valls, former French prime minister, vowed in 2016 to open a dozen anti-radicaliza­tion centers in each region of the country to curb would-be jihadists from carrying out violence. But the country’s first and only de-radicaliza­tion center, officially known as the Center for Prevention, Integratio­n and Citizenshi­p, was shut down in July, 2017. Given that it was a voluntary program, no one was forced to join. The center launched with a total nine participan­ts and ended up eventually with none at all. People cannot help but ask is this the right solution to prevent terrorism? Can anyone expect a potential extremist to raise his hand and say he might need a counselor as he has become radicalize­d?

“Deradicali­zation is a murky, unsettled science,” according to The Atlantic magazine. It is a complexity confronted by the globe and each country is exploring its own way. Germany is focusing on how to prevent radicals integratin­g into its own community. Saudi Arabia is concentrat­ing on providing education programs for recruited jihadists and even finding them jobs and wives. China, in the meantime, is turning to strict preventati­ve measures according to laws while promoting relevant courses, psychologi­cal guidance and skill training.

The West is treating deradicali­zation on its own soil and in other nations with a double standard, which ultimately made itself victim. The impact of extreme religious thought cannot be underestim­ated. Certain radicalize­d religious doctrines request people not to cry when their family member passes away and not to sing and dance when their family members marry. Such doctrines affect regular religious activities, ordinary people’s lives and eventually shock social stability. They are the common enemy of the entire world.

The ways China has adopted for deradicali­zation are more stringent, yet they worked. Europe’s methods are less effective, but that does not necessaril­y mean that Beijing is simply doing better in this regard. It is a common challenge faced by all and it is time to set aside conflicts over different values to prevent radicalism from globalizin­g. Otherwise, this double standard will jeopardize Europe’s own stability.

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