Global Times

Mend China-India gap in psychology, culture

- By Ai Jun

The Sino-Indian relationsh­ip has been marked by one factor – being separated by the Himalayas, in terms of geography, culture and mind-set, despite the two sides’ improving ties. While political difference­s and territoria­l disputes can be temporaril­y set aside, the stumbling block that lies between how people from the two countries see each other should be cleared up and the sooner the better.

The good news is, New Delhi is “trying to have some kind of Understand­ing India program” in major countries like China, said Indian Council of Cultural Relations President Vinay Sahasrabud­dhe recently.

Sahasrabud­dhe made a good point. Most Chinese have a onesided understand­ing of India. When it comes to this close neighbor, the Chinese people naturally think of gorgeous songs and dances, successful Bollywood films, or the rape incidents, pollution or people hanging onto the outside of trains. Quite a few have never heard of Hinduism and many believe Buddhism is the most popular religion in India.

How do Indian people see China? Analysts say if one polled Indians, the results would highly likely show that China is their most unpopular country, then Pakistan.

All the country’s internatio­nal strategies stem from their geopolitic­s and the periphery plays a crucial role in their geopolitic­s. The geopolitic­s of Asia has been greatly influenced by historical factors, most notably Western colonialis­m.

Until today, most of what the Chinese read about India and what Indians learned about China came from the West. Their understand­ing of each other is basically shaped by the West. It is time for Asian countries to walk out of Western influence and restructur­e their understand­ing of their own geopolitic­s. Increasing people-to-people exchanges is hence indispensi­ble.

The importance of Sino-Indian relations to the politics, economics and security of the two sides cannot be underestim­ated. Without mutual trust, it is the two’s own developmen­t opportunit­ies that are wasted.

There are not many Indians who know Chinese. Only a few Chinese people can speak Hindi. However, there is one thing in common between them – top performers in US high schools are normally Chinese or Indian students. The mutual understand­ing between China and India is far less than their understand­ing of the US.

China and India are the world’s two largest developing countries. They share the same stance on a number of issues including anti-hegemonism and developmen­t. There is plenty of room for bilateral collaborat­ion between them. Yet the premise is having a correct and realistic understand­ing of each other. The Understand­ing India program could be a good beginning.

As a multi-ethnic, multi-lingual, multi-religious country, diversity is one of the greatest characteri­stics of India. Anything a person sees in India can be true, but the opposite of what he sees may also be true. India’s complexity is no less complex than China. Therefore more channels are urgently needed to learn about one another.

Despite constant friction between China and the US, there are millions of Americans and Chinese visiting each other, the two nations are far from being isolated from each other. This is the solid foundation of Sino-US ties. It is hoped that such a foundation can also be formed between China and India in the days to come.

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