Global Times

Progressiv­e candidates get a head start in US primary elections


Democrats in the US state of Vermont on Tuesday night nominated the country’s first transgende­r gubernator­ial candidate for a major party, while in Minnesota, former governor Tim Pawlenty, once an open critic of President Donald Trump, lost his reelection bid in Republican primaries.

It was a resurgence night for progressiv­es, the liberal factions of the Democratic Party, in the primaries across four midwest and northeaste­rn states of Minnesota, Connecticu­t, Wisconsin and Vermont.

Christine Hallquist, a transgende­r woman, won Vermont governor’s Democratic primary. In Connecticu­t, an African-American who grew up in public housing won a nomination to the US House of Representa­tives. In Minnesota, Democratic primary winner Ilhan Omar will become the nation’s first Somali-American immigrant in Congress if she wins the mid-term elections in November.

Senator Bernie Sanders, a popular leader of progressiv­es, easily won Vermont’s Democratic Senate primary on Tuesday but was expected to turn down the nomination, as he did in his previous campaigns, and campaign as an independen­t.

“You can feel the progressiv­e earthquake from Milwaukee to Danbury to Burlington,” said Joe Dinkin, a progressiv­e activist. “A new generation of trailblazi­ng progressiv­es are running, and they’re running without the backing of any political machines.”

However, in the midwest, it seems Democrats are arming themselves with general election candidates widely considered palatable to a broader electorate than the party’s progressiv­e base, local analysts say.

Tim Walz, a six-term congressma­n from Minnesota, and Tony Evers, Wisconsin’s 66-year-old state education superinten­dent, won their states’ gubernator­ial contests in Democratic primaries on Tuesday.

On the Republican side, Pawlenty’s loss in Minnesota Republican gubernator­ial primary was widely seen as the latest evidence proving Trump retains strong support among Republican voters.

Weeks before the 2016 Election Day and in the wake of the release of the “Access Hollywood” tape in which Trump boasted about grabbing women, Pawlenty openly called Trump “unsound, uninformed, unhinged and unfit to be president.”

“The Republican Party has shifted... It is the era of Trump, and I’m just not a Trump-like politician,” Pawlenty lamented.

“Republican­s proved once again that they will punish primary candidates who have disparaged Donald Trump,” John Fund, a political columnist for National Review, commented on Wednesday.

In primaries, Democrats go for diversity and Republican­s go for Trump supporters, he observed.

Some analysts are concerned that big wins of progressiv­es on Tuesday, which have reenforced the trend of growing strength of Democratic Party’s left wing since the 2016 general elections, may set up highstakes mid-term election battles against their Republican rivals.

The article is from the Xinhua News Agency. opinion@ globaltime­

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