Global Times

US’ extreme China policy unsustaina­ble


“All of the fools that are so focused on looking only at Russia should start also looking in another direction, China. But in the end, if we are smart, tough and well prepared, we will get along with everyone!” US President Donald Trump tweeted Saturday.

Some analysts believe that Trump is encouragin­g American society to label China as a new main rival. It is not only Trump’s own belief, but also his excuse to get rid of the Russiagate pressure.

China is already a main rival in the eyes of American elites. They don’t bother to hide their will to contain China. Many Chinese have realized the change in US policy toward China and pessimism toward China-US relations have prevailed in China.

Compared with US-Soviet relations, current China-US relations are completely different in the context of globalizat­ion. The US and Soviet Union were on different boats, and they aimed at wrecking each other. It’s hard to tell whether China and the US are on the same boat today. The US bet that it will crush China if Washington destroys globalizat­ion.

China has no strategic ambition to bring down or replace the US, and it neither wants to export its ideology or engage in an all-out competitio­n with the US. China wants to develop itself and ensure it doesn’t get subverted. China’s national strategy is reserved, not aggressive.

What worries the US most is that its economy may be overtaken by China in the near future. Thus Washington is vigilant about Beijing’s so-called expansion and infiltrati­on of the US.

If the US wants to contain China, it will harm Washington’s own interests as cooperatio­n with China is disrupted. Washington must also bear Beijing’s retaliatio­n. The extreme US strategy toward China will cost much more than peaceful competitio­n with China. As US policy gets more aggressive, China needs to stick to its own bottom line and be prepared for the worst. China should also persevere in reform and opening-up and peaceful developmen­t. Struggling with the US should never be the focus of China’s national policy.

Anyone who offends China will face the country’s counteratt­ack, but it’s also restrained and won’t escalate the China-US dispute. What hurts the US is its extreme policy toward China. Such a policy is unsustaina­ble.

China is a major economy and a nuclear power. It would be reckless for any country to provoke China. As long as China sticks to its moderate foreign policy, no forces can lead any country to fight recklessly against China.

Americans are realists. They won’t sacrifice their current life and initiate a life-or-death struggle just because they don’t want China to become the largest economy. The US government is not able to mobilize the people to do so.

China has more room for strategic maneuver. China is not like Iran or Turkey, who are forced to change their policies only because of the US. Maybe Washington will make a stronger stand, but Beijing can still make prudent policies. China will fight if being offended, but won’t act in the insane manner of the US.

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