Global Times

Pope mum on sex abuse knowledge

Ex-Vatican envoy claims he told Francis about Cardinal McCarrick


Pope Francis has declined to comment on a claim he personally ignored sexual abuse allegation­s against a senior clergyman, after a visit to Ireland dominated by Church scandals.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, a former Vatican envoy to the United States, said he had told Francis of the allegation­s against prominent US cardinal Theodore McCarrick in 2013.

But rather than punish McCarrick, who was forced to resign last month, Vigano said Francis had lifted sanctions imposed on him by his predecesso­r Pope Benedict XVI.

Vigano called on Francis to resign in a letter published Saturday in the National Catholic Register.

He said the pope “knew from at least June 23, 2013, that McCarrick was a serial predator,” adding that “he knew that he was a corrupt man, he covered for him to the bitter end.”

But the pope refused to address the brewing scandal on Sunday.

“I will not say a word about that. I think that the communique speaks for itself,” Francis said on his plane as he flew back from Dublin to Rome.

He had “begged for God’s forgivenes­s” for past clerical abuse scandals during his landmark trip to Ireland, where they have badly damaged the image of the Catholic Church.

He said he was demanding “firm and decisive” measures to find “truth and justice.”

Before 45,000 supporters at the rainsoaked Knock shrine in the west of Ireland on Sunday, the pope spoke of the “open wound” of the scandals.

He later said mass to tens of thousands of flag-waving worshipper­s before heading back to Rome after his two-day visit.

He also acknowledg­ed other abuses by the Irish church, including at its socalled “mother and baby” homes for unwed mothers.

In the Irish capital, about 5,000 abuse victims and supporters braved the weather to attend a “Stand for Truth” rally.

A woman dressed as a nun, with fake blood on her hands, and a man handing out homemade placards reading “The church protects pederasts” were among those protesting.

It was the first papal trip to Ireland since John Paul II spoke in front of 1.5 million people during a visit in 1979.

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