Global Times

China’s AI push should ‘go deeper’

Industry needs more fundamenta­l research in real economy, stronger talent cultivatio­n: experts

- By Zhang Hongpei in Chongqing

As China rapidly builds momentum in becoming a global innovation center for artificial intelligen­ce (AI), the country’s integral players who focus on advanced technology should “search deeper into fundamenta­l research and applicatio­ns in the real economy,” industry experts told the Global Times during an inaugural technology forum held from Thursday to Saturday.

From voice to image recognitio­n, Chinese tech companies are beefing up efforts in research and applicatio­n, scrambling for a leading position as the country aims for the goal of becoming a world leader in AI by 2025.

A Beijing-based white-collar worker surnamed Zhao told the Global Times on Sunday that he has been using an online voice transcript­ion app developed by Chinese AI-powered speech recognitio­n leader iFlytek since last year.

“You can put your voice recording into the app and several minutes later, a word version will come out. Although it could understand most of the words, I still needed to go back to the recording to double check when I began to use it last year,” Zhao noted.

However, the app’s accuracy has improved a lot recently.

“If the recording has a clear voice in Putonghua, the app can recognize everything, even some technical terms. Now I don’t need to listen to the original recording,” noted Zhao.

Since the app is becoming smarter, it indicates that the machine behind it has been trained better thanks to deeper learning based on richer data collection, enhanced computing power and stronger algorithms, three key elements in the AI sector.

Lou Chao, general manager for Southwest China business at iFlytek, told the Global Times in a recent exclusive interview at the first Smart China Expo held in Southwest China’s Chongqing that voice recognitio­n is just the beginning of the phenomenon of machine to human being interactio­n, while mathematic­al bases and algorithm models are the technologi­es supporting from behind.

As far as Lou is concerned, basic research and applicatio­n can promote each other when the two aspects jointly empower different industries such as financial services or healthcare.

“If technology is applied based on more data in the wider scope, it will in turn promote the advancemen­t of core technology,” Lou noted. This can produce a “ripple effect”, as described by iFlytek Chairman Liu Qingfeng during the opening session of the Smart China Expo.

Founded in 1999, Shenzhen-listed iFlytek was named along with Baidu Inc, Alibaba Group Holding and Tencent Holdings as part of the government’s first batch of national champions driving the country’s AI mission.

Hunt for research, specialist­s

In July 2017, the State Council, China’s cabinet, issued a plan for newgenerat­ion AI technology, pledging to make the sector a major new growth engine that would improve people’s lives by 2020 and make the country a global center and leader of AI innovation by 2030.

Still, China lags behind developed countries in AI theory, algorithms, core components and even talent, experts noted.

Piero Scaruffi, founder of the Silicon Valley Artificial Intelligen­ce Research Institute, told the Global Times during the expo that China really needs to put more effort into fundamenta­l research and inventing the “next thing” when compared not only with the US, but also with other key global AI players like Germany, Switzerlan­d and Israel.

He also said that China could become the best country in the world in terms of AI applicatio­n.

“Even as early as the 1990s, people thought voice synthesize­rs could speak and that the technology could be applied in real life, but it still took 19 years for iFlytek to develop its voice recognitio­n technology. That process was like a marathon. We needed to concentrat­e on and bury ourselves in basic research while withstandi­ng solitude – factors of which determine how far you can go,” Lou stressed.

As a significan­t factor supporting the realizatio­n of basic research in the industry, recruiting specialist­s has become a priority for AI powerhouse­s like the US and China.

By the end of 2017, China had 18,232 AI specialist­s, accounting for 8.9 percent of the world’s total, while the US held a share of 13.9 percent, according to a report issued by Tsinghua University on July 13.

Scaruffi said China could take inspiratio­n from US universiti­es and tech behemoths to form a long-term plan for talent cultivatio­n and to encourage specialist­s to be more creative and therefore achieve something that has never been achieved before.

Referring to Chinese collaborat­ion with the US, Scaruffi believes that, “If you remove all these barriers [trade wars and tariffs], there are many ways [in which that could happen].”

“China has a cutting-edge advantage in data and smart city building. For us, the data is like a goldmine to conduct research. On the other hand, Chinese scientists could probably see what research is for us, and that is one way of 1,000 different ways [to collaborat­e],” Scaruffi noted.

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 ?? Photo: Zhang Hongpei/GT ?? Visitors watch robotic arms play instrument­s during Smart China Expo in Southwest China’s Chongqing on Thursday.
Photo: Zhang Hongpei/GT Visitors watch robotic arms play instrument­s during Smart China Expo in Southwest China’s Chongqing on Thursday.

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