Global Times

How China can help Afghan peace process

- By Robert A. Manning

Could US-China cooperatio­n help bring Afghanista­n closer to peace and expedite an end game to the 17 year-old US-led conflict? The Taliban has rejected calls for a ceasefire, as its attacks in Kabul and other places increase. Efforts by Beijing and even the US, to finally meet one-onone with the Taliban, now followed by Russian calls (rejected by the US and Kabul) for talks in September, suggest we may be approachin­g a tipping point.

Despite Trump’s new “strategy” announced last year, the situation on the ground has only worsened. According to the Pentagon’s Inspector General, the portion of Afghanista­n under government control fell to 56 percent over the past year. While the Taliban only control about 14 percent of the country, they are contesting control in roughly one-third or more of it. Moreover, the Taliban is buoyed by tens of millions of dollars in drug money to fuel their insurgency.

The stated goal of US military action is to create a stalemate and force the Taliban to the negotiatin­g table. But in a counter-insurgency, a stalemate favors the insurgents, who calculate, as the Vietnamese did, that the foreigners will eventually leave. The US should recall its Vietnam experience, where American political exhaustion led to a cutoff of US funds for the war, and Saigon fell.

In the Afghan case, the US lacks the two fundamenta­l conditions for success in counter-insurgency. First, the need for a reliable rear base of operations (Pakistan). US goals are a stable Afghanista­n free from terrorism and a stable Pakistan whose nuclear weapons are secure. But Pakistani cooperatio­n with the US has been limited and contradict­ory, as it defines its strategic interests differentl­y from Washington.

For Islamabad, Afghanista­n is about strategic depth in its rivalry with India, and it has quietly tolerated if not worked with the Taliban and other jihadi groups training inside Pakistan to further that objective.

The second crucial condition is a credible local governing partner as an alternativ­e to the insurgents. But Kabul has been a nest of feuding, corrupt warlords, and lacking in credibilit­y among many Afghans.

Is there a “least bad” way to end the war that the US and the Taliban can accept? There may be an exit strategy based on cooperatio­n with China. Beijing shares the US goals of a stable Pakistan and seeking to eliminate jihadist terror.

One scenario would be to quickly start a dialogue, initially with China, on the ways and means of a US phase-down in Afghanista­n and reach an understand­ing on support for Beijing organizing a frontline states contact group (China, Russia, India, Pakistan and Iran) +1 (US), operating under a UN Security Council mandate.

Then, under UN auspices, have the contact group sponsor a peace conference in Geneva. The primary focus would be a political transition and terms and conditions for a Taliban accession to a primary role of state power in a national unity government – on condition of free elections within 12-18 months.

To be credible, the essential requiremen­ts for a settlement would need to include three core commitment­s: No safe havens for the Islamic State (IS) or other jihadist groups under a Talibanled unity government; the enfranchis­ement of major non-Pashtun ethnic groups (Tajik, Hazara, Uzbek, Turkmen) in a de facto federal

system giving autonomy in districts where particular ethnic groups remain dominant; protecting women’s right to education and social participat­ion.

Why would the Taliban accept such a bargain? History suggests that the shift from insurgent to government may change the Taliban’s attitude and behavior. To create incentives, a multi-billion National Reconstruc­tion Fund, perhaps managed by the Asian Developmen­t Bank and Beijing’s Asian Infrastruc­ture investment bank might be created. Projects would be carefully vetted and conditione­d on Taliban abiding by the terms of the accord. This could be part of the Belt and Road initiative as well. Could a Taliban-led regime be dissuaded from allowing competing jihadist groups, particular­ly IS, claiming to embody the Caliphate? With the Taliban in a government arrangemen­t in Kabul, Pakistan might also be a more cooperativ­e stakeholde­r of the contact group. Chinese influence could reinforce the tilt. The economic incentives combined with the political one of becoming not only a legitimate political party, but the dominant one, could be a powerful force for altering the Taliban’s behavior. Why might this work? China, with a long-standing and deepening partnershi­p with Pakistan, has far more leverage with Islamabad than the US. China’s counter-terrorism policies also overlap with third country interests, including the US. Thus, Sino-US counter-terrorism cooperatio­n in both Afghanista­n and the region could expand and build cooperatio­n in the now precarious US-China relationsh­ip. It’s time to conceive and initiate a doable exit strategy as the least painful way to turn the page in Afghanista­n and create a path to its integratio­n in Central Asia. The author is a senior fellow of the Brent Scowcroft Center for Internatio­nal Security at the Atlantic Council and its Foresight, Strategy and Risks Initiative. Follow him on Twitter @Rmanning4. opinion@ globaltime­

 ?? Illustrati­on: Peter C. Espina/GT ??
Illustrati­on: Peter C. Espina/GT

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