Global Times

Holocaust denier Robert Faurisson dies at 89 in France


Robert Faurisson, a former French academic who was convicted several times for claiming there was no systematic mass killings of Jews by Nazi Germany, has died aged 89 in his hometown of Vichy, France, his sister said Monday.

British-born Faurisson was also a staunch defender of Marshal Philippe Petain, the Vichy French leader who collaborat­ed with Nazi occupiers of the country during World War II.

He “had just returned from England when he collapsed in the hallway of his home in Vichy” on Sunday evening, said his sister Yvonne Schleiter.

A former professor of French literature at the University of Lyon, Faurisson maintained that the gas chambers in Auschwitz were the “biggest lie of the 20th century,” saying deported Jews died instead of disease and malnutriti­on.

He also contested the authentici­ty of The Diary of Anne Frank, the Dutch girl who managed to hide with her family from the Nazis for years before being caught and sent to concentrat­ion camps.

After France passed a law in 1990 making Holocaust denial a crime, Faurisson was repeatedly prosecuted and fined for his writings. He was dismissed from his academic post in 1991.

French historian Valerie Igounet branded him a “antiSemiti­c forger” who “lusted after scandal.”

In 2008, Faurisson became close to French comedian and political activist Dieudonne, who has also been convicted for anti-Semitic insults.

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