Global Times

Mother sparks outcry for calling 110 to help with crying baby

- Page Editor: jiyuqiao@globaltime­

An East China mother who sparked outcry after she called 110 emergency response to help handle her hysterical baby and then complained online about the police’s “bad attitude” when they didn’t respond right away has since apologized.

The woman reportedly was driving home in Taicang county, Jiangsu Province when her 16-month-old began crying, according to her posts on Weibo under the user name “Jiafa_”

After pulling over and failing to get the child in the car seat, she called 110 a total of five times.

Police were dispatched, and not only got the child buckled in but also escorted them home.

However, when the woman posted about the incident on Sunday, she complained that emergency operators had given her lip. “I was helpless… and 110 hung up on me twice,” she wrote. “[An officer said] if you can’t handle [your baby], what do you expect us to do?”

Taicang county police responded on Weibo, “Please be nice when dialing 110, thank you.”

In another post, the woman retorted, “so I can only call 110 if there’s a murder or fire?”

The exchange quickly attracted attention on social media.

“She was abusing emergency response and wasting the police’s time!” “Yusugetong­zai” wrote. “She’s a helpless baby herself!” “Qizhelin” commented.

The woman shut down her Weibo account before issuing a public apology, media reported.


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