Global Times

Beijing should explore options in case Washington rejoins the TPP

- By Fan Sicong The author is a research fellow at the Institute for Internatio­nal Studies of Wuhan University. opinion@globaltime­ Page Editor: wangwenwen@ globaltime­

The Trans-Pacific Partnershi­p (TPP) aimed to shape new rules for world trade excluding China took a beating after the US pulled out of the agreement following President Donald Trump taking office in 2017.

After the US exit, the Comprehens­ive and Progressiv­e Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnershi­p (CPTPP) – a new edition of TPP – officially came into effect on December 30, 2018.

Without the US, the 11-member agreement accounts for 13 percent of global GDP and 14 percent of world trade, a big drop compared to the original deal that covered nearly 37 percent of the global economy.

To form an alternativ­e to TPP, 16 countries, including China, Japan and ASEAN members, launched negotiatio­ns in November 2012 on the Regional Comprehens­ive Economic Partnershi­p (RCEP). The talks are expected to make substantiv­e progress in 2019.

However, Beijing must not overlook the possibilit­y of the US rejoining the new accord as Japan intends to persuade Washington to do so.

That is possible although Trump repeated his dislike for the agreement.

According to the Peterson Institute for Internatio­nal Economics, the US’ real income under the original TPP would have increased by $131 billion annually, or 0.5 percent of its GDP. After the US pulled out, the country not only gave up those gains but also lost an additional $2 billion in income because US firms suffered a disadvanta­ge in TPP markets.

The 2018 Chicago Council Survey, conducted about a year after the US exit, found that 61 percent of Americans believe the US should participat­e in CPTPP.

On the other hand, after the Republican­s lost control of the House of Representa­tives in the midterm elections in November 2018, the Democrats could press the Trump government to make such a call. Besides, a majority of Republican­s back the CPTPP.

It is foreseeabl­e that the US would use the US-MexicoCana­da Agreement (USMCA), Trump’s new NAFTA deal, to put pressure on Japan, which is regarded as the key to CPTPP.

The success of US-Japan negotiatio­ns is not only related to whether Trump could consolidat­e his “America first” policy for bilateral free trade agreement, but is also a factor for a stepped up Indo-Pacific strategy. Updating the TPP, dubbed the “21st century agreement,” would perfectly show the Trump government’s efforts in terms of economic benefits and political assets.

There is room for the two countries to complement each other. About 98.5 percent of Japanese tariffs on agricultur­al products will be revoked and this provides a sally port for the US because its farmers and agricultur­al groups demand expansion of the overseas market.

When Trump last time denied joining the TPP, he put forward a condition —the new agreement must be better than that during the presidency of Barack Obama. That is the US will not be reluctant to participat­e in free trade deal if the agreements benefit it the most.

Nonetheles­s, the US won’t rush it. It is not easy for Trump to get a new TPP agreement passed in the Congress after losing support in the House. Second, it is also difficult for the current members of CPTPP to form a new agreement that includes the US.

Taking USMCA as a reference, China will be excluded from the free trade framework designed by the US and Japan. Therefore, Beijing should take advantage of the period during which Washington is haggling on the participat­ion of the CPTPP, to clinch the RCEP.

Once completed, the agreement will cover 3.4 billion people and $49.5 trillion of GDP – about 32 percent of the global economy. It will

increase global real income by an estimated $286 billion and absolute gains from it will be almost twice as those from CPTPP.

But it won’t be easy to get there. Details about market entry requiremen­ts, e-commerce, competitio­n policies and investment terms remain undecided.

Elections in India, Thailand and Indonesia in 2019 will probably delay RCEP negotiatio­ns. China should play a leading role and speed up negotiatio­ns, as well as promote bilateral free trade deals under the Belt and Road framework.

China should also strengthen research on the impact that CPTPP could have on the country and keep an eye on negotiatio­ns between the US and Japan. South Korea and the UK have shown interest in joining CPTPP, so Beijing should also pay attention to the changes in the global trade system and their affect on China after those countries join.

 ?? Illustrati­on: Liu Rui/GT ??
Illustrati­on: Liu Rui/GT
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