Global Times

Trump insists on Mexican border steel wall

▶ Speech offers no hope for end to government shutdown


US President Donald Trump used a prime-time address to the nation Tuesday to insist on $5.7 billion for a steel wall along the Mexican border that he said would stop the shedding of “American blood” by illegal immigrants.

The nine-minute speech from the storied Oval Office in the White House contained no concession­s to Democrats refusing to fund constructi­on of the wall – a project Trump has made his signature domestic policy idea.

The address also offered no hope for a quick end to a government partial shutdown triggered by the row that has left 800,000 federal employees without pay.

However, Trump did steer away from earlier prediction­s that he might announce a national emergency, which would have given him the power to authorize the wall project without congressio­nal approval, likely triggering an even deeper political crisis.

Trump spoke in an unusually measured voice, apparently hoping to claim the moral high ground, and said he wanted to bridge the political divide in what could be the defining power struggle of his turbulent presidency.

“I have invited congressio­nal leadership to the White House tomorrow to get this done. Hopefully, we can rise above partisan politics in order to support national security,” he said. “This situation could be solved in a 45-minute meeting.”

Despite that softer tone, Trump also spent much of the speech doubling down on his controvers­ial message – popular among his right-wing base – that illegal immigratio­n at the USMexican border is above all a threat to the lives of Americans.

He listed gruesome examples of crimes committed by illegal immigrants, including a “beheading and dismemberi­ng,” and said he would “never forget the pain” of survivors he’d met.

“How much more American blood must we shed before Congress does its job? For those who refuse to compromise in the name of border security, I would ask to imagine if it was your child, your husband, or your wife whose life was so cruelly shattered and totally broken,” he said.

That, to opponents, is at best fear mongering for political purposes – or race baiting at worst.

Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi said in her instant rebuttal speech that the real problem was Trump’s “cruel and counter-productive policies” making the border ever more dangerous for vulnerable migrants, including young families.

Fact-checking teams at US media outlets quickly took issue with a number of Trump’s assertions – for instance, his statement that every day US agents at the border with Mexico “encounter thousands of illegal immigrants trying to enter our country.” That number is vastly overstated, CNN and The New York Times said.

Also wrong are Trump’s assertions that 90 percent of the heroin entering the US crosses over from Mexico and that Mexico, indirectly, via a new trade agreement with the US and Canada, would end up paying for a wall, the Times said.

 ?? Photo: AFP ?? A crew works replacing the old border fence along a section of the US-Mexico border in Tijuana, Mexico, on Tuesday.
Photo: AFP A crew works replacing the old border fence along a section of the US-Mexico border in Tijuana, Mexico, on Tuesday.

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