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procrastin­ation sickness拖延­症(tu4y1nzh-ng)

A: It’s so annoying. I have to go to work again. The holiday was really too short.好烦啊,又要上班了,假期实在是太短了。

(h2of1n `, y7uy3o sh3ngb`n le, ji3q~ sh!z3i sh# t3idu2n le.)

B: Luckily I didn’t a few extra days worth the work before the holiday. I can ease into things on my first day back. 还好我在放假前多做了­几天的工作,放假回来的第一天可以­缓冲一下。 (h1ih2o w6 z3i f3ngji3 qi1n du4zu7 le j@ ti`n de g4ngzu7, f3ngji3 hu!l1i de d#y~ti`n k0y@ hu2nch4ng y~xi3.)

A: It’s all because I have procrastin­ation sickness. Before the holiday I left a lot of things left undone. I’m definitely going to be very busy today.都怪我的拖延症,假期开始前我攒下了好­多事情没有做,今天一定会很忙。(d4ugu3i w6 de tu4y1nzh-ng, ji3q~ k`ish@ qi1n w6 z2nxi3 le h2odu4 sh#q!ng m9iy6u zu7, j~nti`n y~d#ng hu# h0nm1ng,)

B: Cheer up! As they say, “A new year, means new weather.” You have to change your bad habits!打起精神来!所谓新年新气象,你要改掉你的坏毛病!

(d2q@ j~ngsh9n l1i. su6w-i x~nni1n x~n q#xi3ng, n@y3o g2idi3o n@ de hu3i m1ob#ng.)

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