Global Times

God of Wealth doesn’t go over well as a Transforme­r

- Pear Video Page Editor: jiyuqiao@globaltime­

Guan Yu, the ancient Chinese god of wealth, who is often depicted in paintings as a fierce warrior with a long beard and even bigger sword, has been turned into a giant statue of a Transforme­r in Central China’s Hubei Province.

Located in a mockup of an ancient village in Xianning, the five-meter-tall statue, which was designed by Chinese artist Bi Heng, appears to be straight out of central casting for a Transforme­r movie.

When not in its Guan Yu form that looks like a human skeleton made of car parts, the statue is supposedly designed to transform into a Jie Fang truck.

Jie Fang trucks are made by the First Auto Works, an independen­t automaker from Changchun, in Northeast China’s Jilin Province.

The company’s trucks have been seen on China’s road since the company was founded in 1956.

A tour guide says Guan Yu represents justice, loyalty and fortune in traditiona­l Chinese culture. A video of the tour guide shows him leading a group of young tourists as they bow to the statue and pray for wealth.

“We should worship the god very sincerely and peacefully to make sure he hears our prayers,” says the tour guide to the incredulou­s tourists.

“It’s more like a Transforme­r than a statue of Guan Yu,” one skeptical tourist is heard saying.

Netizens had similar feeling. “Please do not spoof Guan Yu using this ridiculous statue,” a netizen wrote.

Guan Yu was a famous general during the Three Kingdoms (220-280) period and is revered for his loyalty and honesty.

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