Global Times

Nation strengthen­s map printing rules

▶ Publicatio­ns printed for overseas clients cannot circulate in China

- By Zhang Han

The Chinese government published a notice to strengthen the import and export of Chinese maps on Thursday, highlighti­ng regulation­s on domestical­ly produced overseas publicatio­ns containing maps, which analysts believe will make the government’s position on territory clear to the internatio­nal community.

Publishing houses that print overseas publicatio­ns containing maps should obtain approval from provincial-level press and publicatio­n administra­tions. Printing of other products entrusted by overseas clients that contain maps should be registered with local press and publicatio­n administra­tions, according to the notice.

Overseas map-related products are banned from distributi­on in China, the notice read.

Maps are the main form of representi­ng national territory, which is serious for its political, scientific and legal significan­ce. Problemati­c maps, if they appear in imported and exported products, will confuse the internatio­nal community about China’s territory and the government’s position, or even be hyped by those with ulterior motives, seriously damaging national interests and the government’s image, the notice emphasized.

Publicatio­ns that do not comply with China’s regulation­s on maps are prohibited from printing, importing or exporting, according to the notice.

The notice was co-issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources, National Press and Publicatio­n Administra­tion, General Administra­tion of Customs and the Office of the National Work Group for “Combating Pornograph­y and Illegal Publicatio­ns.”

The National Administra­tion of Surveying, Mapping and Geoinforma­tion in January 2018 reported eight typical “map problem” incidents concerning inaccurate borders and the absence of some important islands, such as the Diaoyu Islands and South China Sea Islands.

Hao Zhensheng, an experience­d publishing academic and president of the China Redactolog­ical Society, said that use of inaccurate Chinese maps is not uncommon. The notice emphasized print houses and globe producers can no longer escape punishment by saying that the wrong map was provided by the publisher, Hao told the Global Times on Sunday.

This will raise domestic and foreign people’s awareness about using correct Chinese maps, considerin­g some foreign magazines distribute­d abroad are printed in Shenzhen [in South China’s Guangdong Province],” he said.

The notice said that rectifying problemati­c maps has to be a priority for department­s in combating pornograph­y and illegal publicatio­ns at all levels.

US clothing retailer Gap in May apologized to China over a map on a T-shirt released in overseas markets that omitted South Tibet, the island of Taiwan and the South China Sea.

A Chinese student surnamed Zhang at Duke University in the US, who worked for a local second-hand bookstore, told the Global Times that she had seen a lot of travel brochures and magazines with incorrect Chinese maps.

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