Global Times


- Page Editor: taomingyan­g@globaltime­

Chat attack

snowball fight打雪仗(d2xu0zh3ng)

A: It’s finally snowing! Once I saw what the weather was like this morning, I knew it would snow. Let’s head downstairs to have a snowball fight.终于下雪了,看今早的天气我就知道­今天一定会下雪!咱们一起下楼去打雪仗­吧!

(zh4ngy% xi3xu0 le. k3n j~nz2o de ti`nq# w6 ji& zh~d3o y~d#ng hu# xi3xu0. z1nmen y~q@ xi3l5u q& d2xu0zh3ng ba.) A: Nah, that’s okay. I far prefer watching it snow from the inside.还是算了吧,我更喜欢在屋里看雪。(h1ish# su3nle ba, w6 g-ng x@hu`n z3i w$l@ k3nxu0.)

B: We finally get some snow and you don’t want to enjoy it?好不容易下雪了,你不想感受一下吗? (h2ob&r5ngy# xi3xu0 le, n@ b&xi2ng g2nsh7u y~xi3 m`?)

A: When I was young, I once had a snowball fight and getting soaked from top to bottom. That night I got a bad fever and from then on I never dared to get involved in another snowball fight ever again.我小时候打雪仗时全身­都湿透了,当天晚上就发烧了,直到现在我都不敢再打­雪仗了。

(w6 xi2osh!h7u d2xu0zh3ng sh! qu1nsh8n d4u sh~t7u le, d`ngti`n w2nsh3ng ji& f`sh`o le, zh!d3o xi3nz3i w6d4u b&g2n z3i d2xu0zh3ng le.)

 ?? Illustrati­on: Xia Qing/GT ??
Illustrati­on: Xia Qing/GT
 ??  ??

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