Global Times

Police pursue crackdown on 380 troubled online lenders: report

- Page Editor: liqiaoyi@ globaltime­

Chinese police have opened investigat­ions into more than 380 online peer-to-peer (P2P) platforms suspected of illegally raising funds since June 2018, the Xinhua News Agency reported on Sunday.

Assets that were sealed, seized or frozen during the period were worth nearly 10 billion yuan ($1.48 billion), the report said.

Starting in June last year, Chinese investors began to report problems involving local P2P lenders to police across the country.

The police conducted investigat­ions and so far have cracked down on many P2P lenders, including Shanghaiba­sed, Guangdongb­ased and leadercf. com, the report said.

Xinhua added that major suspects in the cases of lbjr. com and have been arrested.

Several police task forces were dispatched to chase fugitives and 62 suspects were successful­ly arrested from 16 countries and regions including Thailand and Cambodia, the Xinhua report said.

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