Global Times

World order in crisis: Where will it end?

- The article is an abstract of a speech delivered by Jia Qingguo, director at the Institute for China-US People-to-People Exchange of Peking University, at the Beijing Forum on Sunday. opinion@globaltime­

Is post-WWII global order coming to an end? Is world order retreating to the days of great power rivalries and beggar-thy-neighbor competitio­n of pre-WWI? If not, then what else is it? These are some of the questions many people have as the world enters the third decade of the 21st century.

Such order has suffered serious problems. First, as its initiator and most influentia­l leader, the US may have possessed too much power to conduct itself prudently. This behavior has been revealed through their decisions to go to war with Vietnam and Iraq, its withdrawal from internatio­nal organizati­ons, the launching of trade wars despite WTO rules, and reluctance to reform internatio­nal institutio­ns.

Power corrupts. This does not only apply to domestic politics but also to internatio­nal politics. Without effective checks and balances, the US has been tempted to abuse its power, while harming the world and itself, despite its professed good intentions.

Second, today’s world order is excessivel­y West-centric. Although Western countries are more developed and advocate strong values, it doesn’t entitle them to dictate the actions of other countries.

All countries have unique circumstan­ces, and Western governance models often do not apply. Few developing nations have made it to the level where they can be considered a developed country since WWII ended. Despite tremendous efforts from the West to promote developmen­t and good governance, what this has revealed is the world order has difficulty addressing the needs of developing nations.

Third, while the US-led system of military alliances has played a useful role in maintainin­g peace and stability, it is also exclusive and divisive. By default, it divides countries into allies or others. This strategy has helped ensure alienation and suspicion, complicati­ng security cooperatio­n between the US and its allies on the one side and nonallied nations on the other side.

Finally, the US-led economic order attaches too much importance to efficiency at the expense of equality. It is true the world has made great strides in liberating cross-border trade and investment, thus paving the way for a level of unpreceden­ted prosperity in the history of human civilizati­on. However, while open markets are efficient, they also generate greater inequality. Unfortunat­ely, when such issues are raised, they are dismissed as communist pleas. As a result, the world has witnessed an increasing polarizati­on both within each country and globally, resulting in domestic and internatio­nal anger and anti-globalizat­ion protests.

Despite these and other flaws, the world order is still probably the best that humankind has ever created. It champions such universall­y accepted values and principles like sovereignt­y, nonaggress­ion, noninterve­ntion with the internal affairs of other nations, human rights, the rule of law, free trade, and common and differenti­ated responsibi­lities.

It has created internatio­nal institutio­ns and internatio­nal laws and norms according to these values and principles. It offers valuable platforms for countries to air their frustratio­n with world affairs and to discuss ways and means to address the pressing issues that the world faces. It has helped the world avoid another worldwide war and achieve unpreceden­ted prosperity. Few countries reject today’s world order, regardless of the grudges they may hold.

Moreover, most countries have a stake in the existing order and are likely to stick to it. The wealthy can expect their money to be protected, and the poor can expect some assistance during desperate situations.

Both the strong and the weak can expect internatio­nal laws and norms to protect their interests. The problems most countries have with the world order are more about the injustice in the distributi­on of benefits rather than absolute loss. They may be unhappy with internatio­nal arrangemen­ts, but they have no intention to overthrow the world order in favor of a 19th century arrangemen­t.

Therefore, despite US withdrawal from some internatio­nal institutio­ns, most countries have chosen to remain, whether it is UNESCO or the Universal Postal Union, and whether it is the Iran nuclear deal or Paris Agreement. Even the rising powers, including China and India, which feel the world order has not given their voice and interests adequate attention and respect, only call for reforms rather than replacing it with a radically new order.

Although the tension between China and the US is rising, it is likely to remain limited. Both are nuclear weapon states, possess significan­t economic interests in their relationsh­ip, are stakeholde­rs in the internatio­nal order, regardless if they are unhappy with aspects of it.

Under these circumstan­ces, neither fighting a war nor decoupling their economies offers a realistic solution.

The relationsh­ip will be more competitiv­e. However, the fact they are observing the Code for Unplanned Encounters at Sea in the South China Sea and negotiatin­g a trade agreement proves that they know there is not a better alternativ­e to finding a way to coexist.

Given the stakes the US has and the fact that as a superpower, it can only protect its interests by maintainin­g this world order, they may reconsider its practices as time passes. After all, the Trump administra­tion’s policy behavior has been an exception rather than a rule among the post-WWII US administra­tions. It appears their complaints on the world order are not centered on gains in certain internatio­nal arrangemen­ts, but over whether the world order is needed. It is likely that successive US administra­tions will see things differentl­y and adopt a watered-down version of the more convention­al US practice.

The world order is likely to endure for the foreseeabl­e future, but it is also likely to change. The US will remain a leading power, but with less predominan­ce. The world order is likely to be less West-centered. With power more diffused, the world may suffer from less efficiency in addressing global challenges but may gain from better protection of the interests of the weak through more consultati­on in doing so. The rising powers are likely to have more power but also assume greater responsibi­lities.

Does this sound too optimistic? Maybe. However, history is, after all, a human creation. As we worry about the consequenc­es of world order decline, we should never give up hope for its transforma­tion for a better one. It is up to the choices and efforts of people around the world to turn hope into reality.

 ?? Illustrati­on: Luo Xuan/GT ??
Illustrati­on: Luo Xuan/GT

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