Global Times

US again scuppers world cooperatio­n on women’s rights

- By Mu Lu Page Editor: yanyunming@globaltime­

Thirty-seven Asia-Pacific countries on Friday voted to adopt the AsiaPacifi­c Declaratio­n on Advancing Gender Equality and Women’s Empowermen­t: Beijing+25 Review, an outcome that was hoped to be a consensus document but received last minute objections from the US.

A self-proclaimed human rights defender, the US has flaunted its efforts in advancing gender equality and women’s empowermen­t but has finally stood against the world by refusing to vote in favor.

The US move surprised many, including its allies Australia and New Zealand, which expressed their disappoint­ment publicly.

However, if we thoroughly look back to what the US has done in allegedly promoting women’s rights, we find the move in line with the country’s real values.

In the past year, lawmakers in states across the US hypocritic­ally legislated to protect fetal rights and restrictiv­ely banned abortion at any stage of pregnancy, with the only exception for a serious threat to the health of the woman.

The absurdity reflects how conservati­ve US forces represente­d by the Republican­s have torn off their disguise of neoliberal­ism and showed what they really are: a group of evangelica­l elites who want to achieve moral satisfacti­on.

The result is that US women are subject to long-term, systematic, extensive and systematic discrimina­tion, which is quite shocking.

As the world’s largest economy, the US has failed to protect the rights of women in the economic sphere. They face seriously discrimina­tion in terms of employment, wages and careers.

As nearly half of labor in the country, US women suffer higher unemployme­nt than men: Between October 2016 and October 2017, US women lost more than 160,000 jobs while some 106,000 new jobs were added for men.

The income gap between the two genders is huge, and due to the problem of social welfare, retired women are more likely to fall into poverty than retired men.

In addition to economic inequality, US women have suffered from sexual harassment and violence in the workplace, school and at home – with black women the biggest victim, 45 percent of whom were physically or sexually abused. In the meantime, African-American women and children face a higher death rate than white Americans.

Gender discrimina­tion is deeply rooted in US society, and patriarchy and a flawed social system have made it hard to be effectivel­y uprooted.

US women have struggled for equality for dozens of years but couldn’t even get the right to vote until 1920 – over 100 years after the foundation of the self-professed “most free and democratic” country.

Women’s human rights are indispensa­ble for universal human rights. How women enjoy their rights is an important criterion to measure a country’s human rights situation. A serious violation of women’s rights has not only intensifie­d US society’s inequality but also hindered the cause of internatio­nal human rights from developing.

The US has been adopting a double standard on human rights. It acts like a clown that swings human rights as a stick to beat other countries, repeatedly revealing its ill-intentione­d political motive.

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