Global Times

Trump’s China lies endanger Americans

- By John Ross

“Iwas the CIA director. We lied, we cheated, we stole. It’s – it was like – we had entire training courses.” These words from US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo summarize the White House administra­tion’s claim that COVID-19 originated in a laboratory in Wuhan, China. Such a claim has even less credibilit­y than earlier ones that include North Vietnam attacked US warships in the Gulf of Tonkin in 1964, which never happened, or that Iraq had weapons of mass destructio­n, which was later proven false.

The origin of a virus is to be determined by medical experts – not politician­s with no experience in conducting scientific research. Not one notable medical expert has supported the Trump administra­tion’s claim.

Indeed, numerous medical experts have stated the claim is without merit. US allies, such as Britain and Australia, have also rejected the claim. Why, therefore, is a lie, rejected by credible medical profession­als, and one that therefore carries zero internatio­nal credibilit­y, being put forward daily by the Trump administra­tion?

The reason is apparent and can be found in the US’ COVID-19 fatality statistics. As of this writing, in the US, more than 80,000 people have died from the virus, with over 1.34 million suffering from the disease, more than any other country worldwide.

While the US suffered heavy military casualties fighting abroad – World War II, the Korean and Vietnam wars, COVID-19 is only the third mass death experience on US soil historical­ly, behind the influenza pandemic in 1918, and the Civil War (1861-65).

The US currently has the highest number of COVID-19 deaths worldwide, but it had two months to prepare for the outbreak and instead did nothing effective. US President Donald Trump claimed that COVID-19 was not worse than flu and offered solutions that had no basis in reputable medical circles and some of which were even deadly, such as injecting oneself with disinfecta­nt.

The US has extensive manufactur­ing capabiliti­es, second globally only after China. If the US government had taken action, then huge quantities of test kits, personal protective equipment (PPE), ventilator­s, and other supplies could have been made available to help fight the virus. Instead, nothing adequate was done, and the results have been catastroph­ic.

If Americans were aware of the situation, Trump would not win in November and would lose the election by one of the greatest landslide margins in US history. The administra­tion’s attacks on China were launched out of desperatio­n to divert attention from reality.

Not only do the attacks hold zero credibilit­y, but they are also dangerous for the American people.

As the US grapples with the largest COVID-19 outbreak worldwide, China has succeeded in defeating it domestical­ly. In the US, the average rate for new cases is almost 24,000 in the past week, with the average fatality over 1,700.

Given China’s superior performanc­e in fighting COVID-19, it is vital that the American people learn from their experience.

Yet this isn’t exclusive. Other AsiaPacifi­c countries that have experience­d outbreaks, such as South Korea, also achieved low levels of deaths. Some European countries have also experience­d the same. The American people should be protected from the danger that threatens them by learning from all successful foreign examples.

The lies from the Trump administra­tion endanger US society, and as one American website bluntly stated, “Trump’s Policies toward Workers: Drop Dead.”

The unnecessar­y loss of life is unacceptab­le. The Trump administra­tion’s attacks on China will not affect China. Meanwhile, the Chinese will continue to laugh at such bogus claims as they are aware of the true situation.

The author is senior fellow at Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China. He was formerly director of Economic and Business Policy for the Mayor of London. opinion@ globaltime­

 ?? Illustrati­on: Liu Rui/GT ??
Illustrati­on: Liu Rui/GT

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