Global Times

Court document sparks new anger

Calls rise for Beijing to retaliate against Ottawa in Meng case

- By Wang Cong

Fresh revelation­s from Canadian court documents that the country's spy agency was directly involved in the arrest of Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou in 2018 sparked a new wave of indignatio­n among Chinese public, with many calling for Beijing to take forceful countermea­sures to punish Ottawa.

On Monday, Zhao Lijian, a spokespers­on for China's Foreign Ministry, called the latest document new proof that Meng's arrest was driven completely by political motives and Canada played the role of an “accomplice” to the US in the latter's relentless crackdown on the Chinese telecom firm.

“We again urge Canada to treat seriously China's solemn and just stance and concerns, and immediatel­y release Ms Meng Wanzhou so that she could return to China safely,” Zhao told a routine press briefing in Beijing, warning Canada not to continue on the wrong path for too long. “China's determinat­ion to protect its legitimate rights and interests is unwavering,” Zhao said.

Arrested in December 2018 at the US' request, Meng remains under detention in Canada after a Canadian court last month ruled against defense arguments that US charges against her do not constitute crimes in Canada.

The new court documents revealed over the weekend showed that the Canadian Security Intelligen­ce Service (CSIS) was advised by the US Federal Bureau of Investigat­ion ahead of the arrest of Meng at the Vancouver airport. In a report, the CSIS warned that the arrest could send “shock waves” around the world and lead to “great consequenc­es” for the bilateral relationsh­ip, according to Reuters.

The new informatio­n confirms what Chinese officials have been stating – that the arrest was a purely political move – and goes against claims of so-called judicial independen­ce by Canadian officials, including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

“[The new document] basically ripped off the fig leaf of Trudeau's lies about the rule of law in Canada in Meng's case,” Mei Xinyu, a research fellow at the Ministry

of Commerce's Chinese Academy of Internatio­nal Trade and Economic Cooperatio­n, told the Global Times.

“There should be no question that Meng's arrest was a political operation by the US and Canada.”

While Chinese officials have been relatively restrained, describing Canada as an accomplice of the US, Chinese netizens are more straightfo­rward, with many calling Ottawa the “lap dog” of the US, and referring to the country as “Canadog.”

Some also called for stronger countermea­sures against Canada. “Isn't there anything we can do about Canada?” one social media user wrote on Sina Weibo on Monday. “We must teach Canadog a lesson,” another wrote.

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