Global Times

Is ‘ Taiwan card’ Trump’s next move in act of ‘ final madness’ playbook?

- By Zhang Wensheng The author is deputy dean of Graduate Institute for Taiwan Studies of Xiamen University. opinion@ globaltime­s. com. cn Page Editor: yujincui@ globaltime­s. com. cn

The US President Donald Trump’s administra­tion has become increasing­ly aggressive on the Taiwan question in recent months. He has also escalated the trend since the November 3 election.

It will be only less than two months before Trump leaves office on January 20. It is within reason to predict that the Trump administra­tion may show his “final madness” to China across the Taiwan Straits.

He could blow up in anger, buckling under the combined pressures of failed pandemic policies, crippling economics, and the raw humiliatio­n of losing the election. He may stifle Biden by targeting China with a crisis at the last minute.

There are several possible actions that the Trump administra­tion might take in his final days. These include introducin­g bills or policies to support the Taiwan regional authoritie­s or secessioni­sts, selling more advanced arms to the island, sending US military planes or ships to the Straits, and arranging for more high- level official visits.

Of all the senior officials who might pay a visit to Taiwan, US State Secretary Mike Pompeo is being considered most possible and being heatedly discussed. A Pompeo visit will greatly encourage Taiwan secessioni­sts and seriously deteriorat­e crossStrai­ts relations.

Trump has repeatedly played the “Taiwan card” in his defiance of Beijing. This has led to widespread speculatio­n whether or not he will play the “ultimate” card in his final acts of madness, for example, to recognize Taiwan as a “country” or establish further official relations with the island. If this ultimate card is played, a “Taiwan Straits crisis” will definitely reach a boiling point.

But the possibilit­y that Trump uses this card is not high, as this would be operationa­lly difficult and frustratin­g for him to execute. The administra­tion is now in a caretaker state and is actually facing constraint­s from the Congress, American society, the Biden camp, and even opposition within the Republican Party. He cannot do whatever he wants regarding policies toward China or the Taiwan Straits.

However, making a personal statement of support for Taiwan and provocatio­n to the Chinese mainland is still rather likely for Trump or Pompeo to do. It is conceivabl­e that they could deliberate­ly enhance Taiwan’s internatio­nal status, and publicly backing its entry into the World Health Organizati­on and even the United Nations. Such easy to say statements are within their control and cannot be restrained by others. Once they make such a public statement, it will inevitably lead to an extremely tense confrontat­ion between China and US. This unsavory scenario could greatly escalate the Chinese mainland’s military activities near the Taiwan Straits.

For Biden, if he inherits

Trump’s legacy of turmoil across the Straits, he will continue to adopt a vague strategy. This might mean curbing Taiwan’s pro- secessioni­st policies, but also criticizin­g China over human rights issues and for “intimidati­ng” the island. He will not show full support for the Tsai authoritie­s, but he also won’t stop using the “Taiwan card” against the mainland. Biden may also continue some of Trump’s existing policies that caused friction with China. However, in general, Biden will make more efforts to strengthen cooperatio­n and communicat­ion between the two countries than Trump did.

In the face of possible coming days of “final madness” from the Trump administra­tion, the DPP authoritie­s will be more cautious about how to play along with Washington. After Pompeo claimed that “Taiwan has not been a part of China,” many voices on the island said his statement does not show love for Taiwan – but it actually harms the island.

How Taiwan deals with its relations with a caretaker administra­tion over the next two months will also need to take Biden into considerat­ion. It will therefore not entirely follow the baton of Trump and Pompeo – except maybe for diplomatic­ally worded lip service.

The Chinese mainland will prepare for the worst- case scenario. It will guard the bottom line, and make correspond­ing military preparatio­ns in the Taiwan Straits. Surely, strengthen­ing communicat­ion and cooperatio­n with the new US administra­tion for the sake of both countries is totally necessary. But if Trump does make a “mad last move,” the mainland will definitely counteratt­ack hard and never compromise.

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