Global Times

Port cities vulnerable to viral rebound over holidays, CDC warns

- By Zhang Hui and Chen Qingqing

Recent clusters of coronaviru­s infections in China were mainly caused by inbound visitors and imported goods, and port cities that are at constant risk of exposure to such sources are prone to see the resurgence of the disease, a senior Chinese official said on Wednesday.

Feng Zijian, a deputy director general of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention ( China CDC), made the remarks at a media briefing on Wednesday. He said that according to investigat­ions, the recent outbreaks in places including North China’s Hebei Province were not related to previous domestic cluster infections, but caused by newly imported virus.

Although the epidemiolo­gical investigat­ions have not proved that airports or ports were directly related to the infections, fresh cluster infections in Hebei and Beijing occurred near airports, which have raised some concerns that possible loopholes in airports and port cities may contribute to these outbreaks.

Ongoing cluster infections in Hebei came from abroad, and the Shijiazhua­ng Zhengding Internatio­nal Airport was one of the airports for overseas travelers entering China, said Shi Jian, an official of the Hebei CDC. Shi noted that health authoritie­s are considerin­g imported personnel as the possible source of the outbreak, although no conclusion­s have been reached.

A sudden spike in COVID- 19 cases at the end of December in Beijing’s Shunyi district, where the Beijing Internatio­nal Airport is located, was caused by an imported case from Indonesia. The Indonesian patient came to Beijing on December 10 from East China’s Fujian Province.

Jin Dongyan, a biomedical professor at the University of Hong Kong, said that recent outbreaks involving hundreds of infections were most likely caused by travelers entering China, as cluster infections caused by imported goods generally result in smaller- scale outbreaks.

A Chinese health expert who requested anonymity said that port cities may witness a rebound of the virus, but that does not mean that the management of airports or ports should be blamed.

There have been more cases with super- long incubation periods detected in China, and these cases have posed great challenges in epidemic prevention and control for airports and ports, experts said.

Chinese experts suggested regular nucleic acid testing and antibody tests for people associated with airports, and stricter follow- up health checks for travelers who completed their quarantine periods to eliminate the risks of virus importatio­n.

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