Global Times

Nitrogen dioxide exposure linked to deaths

▶ Toxic air seen cutting thousands of lives short each year in Europe’s cities


Tens of thousands of European city dwellers die prematurel­y each year due to air pollution, researcher­s said on Wednesday in a study ranking more than 800 cities according to the risk of early death from two leading pollutants.

The study, published in The Lancet Planetary Health, analyzed the risk in each place from exposure to nitrogen dioxide – a poisonous gas contained in car exhaust, and to fine particulat­e matter, which can include smoke, dust and ash.

Researcher­s then created an online tool allowing residents to see where their city places on the ratings tables, together with data comparing their air quality with that of other urban hubs.

“Cities are hot spots of air pollution,” said lead author Mark Nieuwenhui­jsen from the Barcelona Institute for Global Health, adding that he hoped the comparison site would help raise awareness of a “silent killer.”

“It’s a very good tool for people to see what’s happening in their city... and they really should use that informatio­n to push for action,” he said.

Researcher­s in the new study used city- specific data on air quality to calculate what percentage of deaths were attributab­le to exposure p to nitrogen dioxide ide and fine particulat­e part matter. Some 51,000 prematu ture deaths from fine particulat­e pa matter and 900 90 from nitrogen dioxide oxid could be prevented each year if cities reduced the pollutants p to levels recommende­d omm by the World Health Healt Organizati­on, they calculated. calcula

Madrid Mad topped the nitrogen gen dio dioxide ranking, where researcher­s research calculated up to 7 percent of all natural deaths were caused by the pollutant, followed by Antwerp, Turin, Paris and Milan. Cities in Italy’s Po Valley, southern Poland and the eastern Czech Republic were seen at highest risk of death from fine particulat­e matter, which comes from a wider range of activities including industry, household heating and coal fires.

Northern European countries such as Iceland, Norway and Sweden dominated the list of cities with the lowest rates of deaths attributab­le to both pollutants.

Air pollution is responsibl­e for about 7 million premature deaths worldwide each year, according to the United Nations, which has called for the risk to be treated as a human rights issue.

The study underlines the largely hidden impact of air pollution in cities, said Matt Whitney from The Clean Air Fund.

“Very few people are aware of the massive impact that it has on health,” he told Reuters. He called for city authoritie­s to take action, encouragin­g sustainabl­e transport and investing in green spaces.

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