Global Times

B & R assisting economic recovery

▶ Kazakhstan, China to seek solutions to delayed trade at border


Editor’s Note:

A recent video report by Bloomberg tried to address question of whether a massive new land port on ChinaKazak­hstan border will help prop up trade bracing some reported negative factors. And an article in the Diplomat magazine expresses concerns over trade efficiency citing a bottleneck on that border, has left thousands of wagons waiting against the backdrop of the pandemic. However, Gulnar Shaimergen­ova ( GS), director of China Studies Center, Kazakhstan, recently shared her insights with Global Times ( GT) about significan­ce of the Belt and Road Initiative ( BRI) in the long run.

GT: How do you evaluate bilateral cooperatio­n and outlook against the backdrop of the coronaviru­s onslaught and trade protection­ism?

GS: Kazakhstan and China continue to develop stronger bilateral relations. I am sure that the pandemic has only demonstrat­ed how important we are to each other. We have seen that we are not only good and responsibl­e neighbors, but also important business partners.

Trade protection­ism by some countries, of course, has had an impact on the developmen­t of cooperatio­n, but I am sure that the 138 countries and 31 internatio­nal organizati­ons that participat­e in the BRI can create a particular­ly profitable and benign internatio­nal environmen­t.

Over the years of implementa­tion of the Belt and Road, trade has grown by more than 30 percent. In 2020, despite the pandemic, the trade figure increased by further 1.5 percent. This may indicate that the BRI can lead to the recovery and developmen­t of the global economy after virus attack. And this is based on friendly cooperatio­n between Kazakhstan and China.

GT: Does the “build and demand will come” concept ill- advocated by Bloomberg make sense? Why?

GS: Appetite comes with eating – as the saying goes. We can also project certain issues, for example, the constructi­on of transport and logistics infrastruc­ture. It is clear that when the BRI was only a topic for discussion in 2013- 2014, few people saw the prospects for the developmen­t of trade and many infrastruc­ture projects far beyond the borders of their country.

When the new railway got through in 2015, many people were able to assess its ability to use the new rail infrastruc­ture for expanding trade and ram up economic activity in the newly opened- up markets.

Today, there are no qualms about the effectiven­ess of the land port links between the East and West. Our countries have actually shown that shortening the delivery time of goods by 3- 4 times is beneficial for everyone.

As a result, countries and corporatio­ns are now discussing joint production and technologi­cal projects. This is a new and high level of cooperatio­n. Therefore, I agree that the “build and demand will come” approach in our case of the constructi­on of the BRI works well, and demonstrat­es the result.

GT: How do you evaluate the so- called bottleneck when it comes to trade on the Kazakh- China border? Will it impede bilateral/ multilater­al cooperatio­n?

GS: I think that the current trade slackness on the Kazakh- Chinese border is temporary. It is associated with the pandemic and the induced negativity on all business processes. And, I am quire sure that Kazakhstan and China will be able to successful­ly resolve it.

What is my confidence based on? First of all, it is based on the fact that there was no such slackness at the port before the pandemic. Therefore, this situation, as I have already said, is caused by the pandemic.

Our countries have an ongoing inter- government dialogue. And the most important thing is that both Kazakhstan and China are striving to resolve the existing delays in transport services. The government­s of both countries are engaged in a productive dialogue and a solution will be found.

GT: A total of 100 China- made buses used for medical testing were delivered to Kazakhstan in late January, in an attempt to boost access to fast and convenient medical services. How do you observe China- Kazakhstan cooperatio­n in the medical sector?

GS: The medical sector is a strategica­lly important area of cooperatio­n, and relations between Kazakhstan and China also take into account this promising direction. Vaccinatio­n, production of vaccines and joint biological research can become significan­t issues on the bilateral agenda of relations between Kazakhstan and China.

In addition, Kazakhstan fully supports the initiative of China to build the “Silk Road of Health” – an important idea for the security of all of Eurasia.

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A police Northwest port in
Khorgos inland in April, 2020. us Region
Photo: VCG situation at prevention pandemic Xinjiang checks Uygur officer China’s A police Northwest port in Khorgos inland in April, 2020. us Region Autonomo
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