Global Times

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Chat attack border guard/边防战士/ ( bi` nf1ngzh2ns­h#)

A: Netizens posted another series of comics on Sina Weibo. One featured Commander Qi Fabao stretching out his arms to hold back the foreign army.


w2ngy6umen y7uz3i x~ nl3ng w8ib5 f` le x# li- m3nhu3. q! f` b2o tu1nzh2ng zh` ngk` i shu` ngb# z^ l1n w3ij$ n.)

B: The good news is that Commander Qi’s injuries have healed.


h2oxi` oxi sh# q! tu1nzh2ngd­e sh` ng qu1ny& le.)

A: Sadly not all of them made it. Martyr Chen Hongjun was four months away from being a father when he died, while Xiao Siyuan was originally supposed to get married during the Spring Festival. His wedding apartment was already refurbishe­d.


b% x# n# gdesh#, b# ngf8i su6y6ur9n d4u p! ng` n hu! l1ile. ch9n h5ngj$ n li- sh# x~ sh8ngsh! h1iy6u s# g- du4yuji& y3ozu7 b3bale, xi` o s! yu2n yu1nj# hu3 j~ nni1n ch$ nji9 ji9h$ n, h$ nf1ng d4uzhu` ngxi$ h2ole.)

B: A 1- year- old son of a border guard on the border of the PLA

Tibet Military Region pointed at a photo and said that his father was on the wall.


ji0f3ngj$ n x~ z3ng j$ nq$ bi` nj# ngsh3ng y! w- ibi` nf1ngzh3ns­h# de y! su#

9rzi zh@ zhe zh3opi` nshu4 b3ba z3iqi1ngsh­3ng.)

A: Never yield an inch of ground. Border guards cannot get together with their families for years. They really are worthy of our respect.


d3h2oh9sh` n, c& nt^ b% r3ng. bi` nf1ng zh3nsh# ch1ngni1n b& n9ng h9 t` mende ji` r9n tu1nj&. t` men zh8nde zh! d9 w6men z$ nj# ng.)

 ?? Illustrati­on: Liu Xidan/ GT ??
Illustrati­on: Liu Xidan/ GT

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