Global Times

TwoSession­s: Legalizing human challenge study suggested

▶ Testing to accelerate vaccine research but concerns rise over health risks

- By Zhang Hui

A political advisor suggested that China legalize human challenge study, a controlled human infection trial, for novel coronaviru­s and pathogens that have not been found in the country to enhance early research and developmen­t capability of vaccines, following the UK’s plan to run a COVID- 19 human challenge study.

Articles allowing human challenge study and clinical trials in the event of an emergency should be included in drug administra­tion law and vaccine administra­tion law to clarify the legal status of human challenge testing, Zhu Tongyu, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultati­ve Conference ( CPPCC) and director of Shanghai Public Health Clinic Center, the designated hospital for COVID- 19 treatment and therapy in Shanghai, told the Global Times.

The drug regulatory authority should issue feasible ethical review guidelines for human challenge testing based on the related guidelines of the World Health Organizati­on ( WHO), Zhu said.

It is of special significan­ce at present to conduct clinical research on human challenge studies, establish an open national scientific research infrastruc­ture and platform, and enhance early research and developmen­t capability of vaccines, Zhu said.

“It’s inevitable that the mutated coronaviru­s strains that have not been discovered in China but have spread abroad will enter China. In the long run, China cannot just rely on quarantine and travel restrictio­ns to prevent the imported virus. Instead, we have to be scientific­ally prepared before the virus arrives,” Zhu said.

Human challenge testing is able to greatly accelerate the selection of vaccine candidates that are expected to enter phase II and III clinical trials, according to Zhu.

Beijing in January reported a new coronaviru­s variant previously found in the UK, when the ability of Chinese vaccines to protect against the variant remained unknown, and the response at that time was rather passive as we had not made early technologi­cal preparatio­ns for a variant, Zhu said.

Britain decided to launch COVID- 19 human challenge studies in February, targeting overseas variants that have not been imported into the country.

A working group from the WHO issued the guidance on COVID- 19 human challenge studies in May 2020, in which it outlined key criteria that would need to be satisfied in order for such studies to be ethically acceptable.

Human challenge studies must be carefully designed and conducted in order to minimize harm to volunteers and preserve public trust in research, and COVID- 19 challenge studies may involve higher levels of risk and uncertaint­y than other commonly accepted human challenge studies because the pathogenes­is of COVID- 19 is currently poorly understood, the guidance said.

Prior to the UK’s COVID- 19 challenge study, human challenge studies have been used to develop treatments for diseases including malaria and cholera.

However, Chinese netizens are split over whether such studies should be carried out. Some objected to it, citing ethical issues and possible irreversib­le harm to participan­ts, suggesting such studies can only be conducted to deepen understand­ing of diseases for which human beings have effective drugs to cure volunteers.

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