Global Times

Civilian death toll in Myanmar rises as nation mired by political upheaval


A security guard was wounded in a bomb blast outside a military- owned bank in Myanmar’s second- biggest city Sunday morning, as the civilian death toll climbed at the weekend.

The country has been in turmoil since the military removed civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi on February 1.

Myawaddy Bank’s biggest branch in Mandalay was targeted on Sunday morning and a security guard was injured in the explosion, according to local media.

There was a heavy security presence in the area following the blast.

The bank is one of scores of militaryco­ntrolled businesses that have faced boycott pressure since February, with many customers demanding to withdraw their savings.

There has been heavy bloodletti­ng in recent days.

On Saturday, a local monitoring group said security forces gunned down and killed 82 protesters the previous day in the city of Bago, 65 kilometers northeast of Yangon.

Footage shot early Friday showed protesters hiding behind sandbag barricades wielding homemade rifles, as explosions were heard in the background.

The UN office in Myanmar tweeted late Saturday that it was following the bloodshed in Bago, where it said medical treatment had been denied to the injured.

Despite the bloodshed, protesters continued to rally in parts of the country.

University students and their professors marched through the streets of Mandalay and the city of Meiktila on Sunday morning, according to local media.

Some carried stems of Eugenia flowers – a symbol of victory.

In Yangon, protesters carried a banner that read, “We will get victory, we will win.”

Protesters there, as well as in the city of Monywa, took to writing political messages on leaves including “we must win” and calling for UN interventi­on to prevent further bloodshed.

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