Global Times

Virus variants to shadow economies

- By Wen Sheng The author is an editor with the Global Times. bizopinion@ globaltime­s. com. cn

New and more contagious coronaviru­s variants from the UK, Brazil and South Africa are continuing to penetrate the world’s major economies, including the US, Europe, Canada, Brazil, India and Argentina, forcing many local government­s to impose harsher night curfews or lockdowns. The new variants are also driving many young people to become gravely ill and hospitaliz­ed.

Worldwide Covid- 19 deaths are growing once again, particular­ly in India and Brazil. On Saturday, India reported another record high of more than 145,000 new infections and daily new deaths of 794, hitting their highest level in the past five months. India’s total number of infections is now inching closer to Brazil’s 13.28 million, though still far from the US’ more than 30 million cases.

The new wave of infections and fatalities is certain to cast a shadow on the rosy expectatio­ns of economies in 2021 forecasted by global organizati­ons like IMF. To make things worse, the efficacy of the vaccines developed by large pharmaceut­ical companies to stifle the new variants is dubious, and some vaccines are reported to have produced serious blood clots and other side- effects.

A blunder has been made by many countries in re- opening their economies too prematurel­y last year when the virus caseloads had not dropped to zero. Some tend to blame public fatigue with strict lockdowns as the culprit. But it’s those government­s to blame.

It never works if a government, desperatel­y wanting to improve its economy and save jobs, enforces restrictio­ns or lockdowns intermitte­ntly or casual- mindedly.

To the chagrin of the epidemiolo­gists and economists alike, those government­s, until today, are embroiled in a severe misunderst­anding of the relationsh­ip between the virus and the economy. Prior to completely containing the contagion, people’s health will always be under the variants’ curse.

Many government­s are coping with new increases in virus infections after prematurel­y deciding to reopen their cities and society. The world had seen the former Trump administra­tion ordering to stop a- month- long lockdown on May 1, 2020, which led to the subsequent catastroph­e of a ferocious surge in caseloads throughout 2020 and more than 560,000 deaths in the US.

The Indian government has also made an unforgetta­ble mistake. When daily infections fell below 10,000 in February 2021, officials in New Delhi were congratula­ting each other and celebratin­g, as if the virus would disappear in India. They dropped their guard, allowing and encouragin­g dangerous behaviors disregardi­ng the rules of prevention, and now, the virus has come back with a vengeance.

Like Washington, politician­s in New Delhi have fiercely advocated against another national lockdown for fear of maiming Indian economy.

However, when the resurgence of tens of thousands is formed in a poor and populated country like India, the upward trend is going to develop for a couple of weeks, if not months. And, the fleeing exodus of rural migrant workers could spread the virus to Indian’s small towns and villages. Now, the situation is very fluid for Modi’s government to handle.

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 ?? Illustrati­on: Chen Xia/ GT ??
Illustrati­on: Chen Xia/ GT

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