Global Times

FM, expert push back against Tedros’ pursuit of ‘ lab leak’ theory


China’s Foreign Ministry on Wednesday urged the WHO to play a leading role in respecting science after WHO Director- General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesu­s earlier commented that further investigat­ion is needed on the hypothesis of a “lab leak” being the origin of the COVID- 19. The theory has already been determined by the WHO- China joint expert team as being extremely unlikely.

A separate report published on Tuesday in a newspaper in Central China’s Hubei Province, the Hubei Daily, wrote that an anonymous Chinese expert on the WHO- China joint team on the virus origins tracing was “surprised and unsatisfie­d” by Tedros’ comment. The expert called Tedros’ comment “irresponsi­ble.”

The expert told the Hubei Daily that he was unclear how the head of the WHO read and interprete­d the report, which was done on the basis of a large number of scientific facts and of the consensus reached by Chinese and foreign scientists.

“Some forces with ulterior motives are challengin­g the authority of and science behind the joint report, based on Tedros’ comment. Experts on the joint team are worried and unsatisfie­d. If the global virus origins tracing work is in stalemate, the WHO should bear the responsibi­lity,” the expert told the Hubei Daily.

Another expert from the team, who preferred not to be identified, told the Global Times in a previous exclusive interview that the Chinese experts had noticed palpable “political pressure” on the internatio­nal experts of the team.

Wang Wenbin, a spokersper­son of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, emphasized during a press conference on Wednesday that the report was co- authored by more than 30 top- notch scientists worldwide, so it is widely representa­tive and enjoys a high degree of profession­alism.

The joint experts team did its research and filed the report independen­tly, and it followed WHO procedures. The team adopted scientific methodolog­y, and it filed an authoritat­ive and scientific report, he said.

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