Global Times

ASEAN must assert itself and not be kidnapped by Washington’s agenda

- By Li Kaisheng The author is research fellow and deputy director at the Institute of Internatio­nal Relations of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences. opinion@globaltime­ Page Editor: xuyelu@globaltime­

The 8th Associatio­n of Southeast Asian Nations ( ASEAN) Defense Ministers’ Meeting Plus ( ADMM- Plus) is scheduled to take place on Wednesday. This will see ASEAN ministers virtually meet counterpar­ts with their eight partner countries – Australia, China, India, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea, Russia and the US.

Launched in 2010, the ADMM- Plus has enhanced dialogue and cooperatio­n among ASEAN and Plus countries against the backdrop of the increasing­ly challengin­g regional security environmen­t. As a mechanism for communicat­ion, the meeting is of profound significan­ce. Southeast Asia is encounteri­ng a number of security threats including terrorism. In this sense, strengthen­ing communicat­ion among the eight partners can effectivel­y enhance regional stability. Furthermor­e, the meeting can help maintain ASEAN’s central role in the regional order.

ASEAN- centric platforms provide opportunit­ies for China and the US to engage in dialogues. This is positive for both countries to improve their ties. But many of these platforms, such as the Shangri- La Dialogue, have not effectivel­y relieved China- US tensions.

This is mainly because many suspect the Washington aims to contain Beijing. And it is still unclear whether or not the US is seeking constructi­ve dialogues with China, or containing China via participat­ing the activities of the platforms. ASEAN does not want to take sides between the two countries, and can thus hardly mitigate the ongoing China- US competitio­n.

It seems that Washington is using every possible multilater­al occasion to rope more countries in to deal with Beijing.

It’s very likely that Washington will do so again at the meeting. The US has made great efforts to rally allies against China during the G7 and NATO summits. It’s anticipate­d that Washington will lead Japan and Australia, and even ASEAN into containmen­t actions against China. ASEAN will be the next focus that Washington will pay more attention to in order to draw it to its side. Therefore, at the ADMM- Plus meeting, it’s highly likely and no surprise that Washington will use this platform to exert great pressure on China, especially through the South China Sea issue. In fact, it will make use of South China Sea affairs to drive a wedge between China and ASEAN.

In 2015, the ADMM- Plus meeting failed to produce a joint statement, as the US insisted on putting the South China Sea issue in a joint statement. Washington plays a leading role in most of the multilater­al mechanisms, and ASEAN must prevent the meeting from being kidnapped by the US. To achieve this, ASEAN must first maintain its centrality and not allow the meeting to be dominated by the Washington agenda. Second, when it comes to South China Sea disputes, consensus or early agreements reached among relevant claimants should be respected. For instance, China and relevant claimants within ASEAN have agreed to resolve problems through political consultati­ons, and Washington shouldn’t be allowed to make irresponsi­ble remarks as a third party. As long as these two points are upheld, ASEAN can avoid being kidnapped by the US.

As partners, these countries should play the following roles. First, they should actively encourage and support the relevant claimants to engage in dialogues and try various effective solutions.

Second, countries ( especially the US, Japan and Australia) should not meddle with the situation in the South China Sea and turn it into a hot- spot region out of their own interests. They are even using the South China Sea issue as a tool to achieve their political goals. This includes driving a wedge between China and ASEAN. But these countries, in reality, cannot avoid such a pattern. In so doing, they will put their political interests first instead of regional security. The outlook for them really to solve the South China Sea issue is pessimisti­c.

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