Global Times

China- Russia space cooperatio­n highlights high level of political trust: Russian scholar


Editor’s Note:

When announcing the Shenzhou- 12 manned spaceship to be launched on Thursday, the China Manned Space Agency on Wednesday mentioned that China has engaged in broad cooperatio­n with countries including Russia. Factors such as uncertaint­y over US foreign policy “are pushing Russia and China to expand space cooperatio­n,” said Danil Bochkov ( Bochkov), an expert at the Russian Internatio­nal Affairs Council. What is the importance of China- Russia cooperatio­n in space? What do China’s efforts to explore the space guided by the idea of building community with a shared future for mankind mean for the internatio­nal space industry? Bochkov shard his insights with Global Times ( GT) reporter

Lu Yuanzhi.

GT: What is the significan­ce of ChinaRussi­a cooperatio­n in space? How will the uncertaint­y over US foreign policy you mentioned influence China- Russia space cooperatio­n?

Bochkov: Russia- China cooperatio­n in space presents a huge importance measured by two domains of countries’ expanding bilateral cooperatio­n - technologi­cal and strategic. The former adds to a longer list of other scientific areas which have been witnessing growing interactio­ns between Moscow and Beijing lately. It is nuclear energy cooperatio­n marked by the recent launch of a new project in China and both states’ decisions to mutually incorporat­e partners’ technologi­es into own space flights and collaborat­ion in deep space research.

That point has been repeatedly enshrined in most diplomatic publicatio­ns following high- level meetings and was even specifical­ly mentioned by President Putin in his recent interview for NBC reflecting on the special strategic nature of “unpreceden­tedly high level” of relationsh­ip between two states. Joint Lunar station project unveiled in March further reinforces this point representi­ng close technologi­cal interconne­ction of Russia- China space technologi­es.

Furthermor­e, it highlights high levels of political trust, leading to the second point of strategic importance of bilateral space research cooperatio­n. Exchanging sensitive technologi­es of national security significan­ce proves the existence of solid trust bond between Moscow and Beijing, and adds to other similar cooperativ­e areas.

GT: What is the difference between China and the US in their attitudes and visions toward internatio­nal cooperatio­n? What is revealed by this contrast? Bochkov: Obviously, the US is transmitti­ng its foreign policy tools and vision to other areas including space research and cooperatio­n with other nations, though NASA has not been supportive of such a position slamming it several times and calling to reconsider the 2011 Wolf Amendment banning NASA from engaging in common projects with China. True, China from the very launch of its space research station project has been promoting an inclusive character of the endeavor inviting all UN member states onboard.

It is also widely shared by Moscow, which also expects space- research initiative­s to be more open and cooperativ­e, not facilitati­ng “NATO- in- space political projects.” It is exemplifie­d by such outstandin­g initiative­s of bilateral cooperatio­n as the Internatio­nal Lunar Research Station, which also comes with foreign policy implicatio­ns.

By contrast, Russia and China have prioritize­d internatio­nal cooperatio­n, openness and inclusiven­ess of their joint Moon research initiative, which speaks volumes of correspond­ing positions of both states on global interactio­n as opposed to the US approach.

GT: Some US analysts and media outlets have said Russia threatens to leave the Internatio­nal Space Station and China’s new Mars rover will accelerate a space race. What’s your take on such narratives?

Bochkov: It seems to be a fair judgment if measured against the history of internatio­nal relations. In a situation of global competitio­n or rivalry, all actors seek to guarantee their supremacy to avoid direct challenges from the opponent. That is why the advances of one party in a particular area of competitio­n naturally pokes the other side to rush onto bridging the gap or even surpassing the competitor in order to secure its own positions. The US under Joe Biden has recognized China as its “biggest threat,” and NATO for the first time has just branded it a military challenge – all these moves place China under the same classifica­tion the USSR used to have in the zeniths of Cold War time, when it was racing against the US for dominance in all domains possible.

China is making global records with its recent success stories in space research such as lunar rover return Chang’e- 5 mission that is known to be the third in history. It has been pushing with Mars research becoming second national in the world to land its rover on the planet surface. Now Beijing is constructi­ng its own space station and embracing plans to send manned missions to Moon in order to become “major spacefarin­g power by 2030.” Such ambitious endeavors inevitably present huge challenges to Washington.

GT: Space belongs to all earthlings. Internatio­nal cooperatio­n in outer space is an important part of China’s efforts to build a community with a shared future for mankind. How do you view China’s such initiative? What does it mean for the internatio­nal space industry? Bochkov: China’s inclusivel­y open attitude towards other countries to participat­e in its space research initiates, which is also noticed by European partners, is a positive sign of more future opportunit­ies for grand cooperativ­e projects in space exploratio­n. China should better articulate its positive message or as Xi Jinping recently described it a “loveable” image of cooperatio­n to other states and fence off some EU- shared bias and preoccupat­ion over China’s goal to become global hegemon replacing the US. If it is completed timely and thoroughly - China’s initiative­s may be welcomed globally and benefit world space exploratio­n.

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