Global Times

46 deaths in Texas show US a ‘ highway to hell’ for some migrants


At least 46 people believed to be migrants were found dead in and around an abandoned tractortra­iler in San Antonio, Texas on Monday night, said local officials. According to US media reports, this “horrific human tragedy,” as the city’s mayor claimed, is the deadliest smuggling incident in the country in recent years.

Migrants have been a vital part of the US since its founding. The country is known as a “melting pot,” but for some, it seems that the heaven for migrants has become a hell.

A professor at the Institute of Internatio­nal Relations of China Foreign Affairs University, who requested anonymity, told the Global Times that the inhumane abuses of migrants, especially the illegal ones, are one of the significan­t stains on Washington’s human rights record.

“Many undocument­ed immigrants become illegal workers after they arrive in the US. To some extent, they are treated like modern- day slaves by different interest groups in the country,” the expert said.

For years, people from developing countries were brought to the US under false pretenses or simply through human traffickin­g. For these people, becoming forced labor would be their fate in the country. An indictment of several immigrant smugglers in 2021 revealed that their victims were forced to work as day laborers on the farm, living in dirty, overcrowde­d conditions without regular access to food and water.

Moreover, non- white migrants are more vulnerable to police brutality than other groups in the US. In April 2022, for example, a white police officer in Grand Rapids, Michigan, shot and killed Patrick Lyoya, a black immigrant from Congo who had fled to the US for asylum.

Lyoya’s death sparked outrage in the US. Lyoya was a documented migrant. If a legal immigrant is treated this way, it is hard to believe the fate of those without documents.

For many poor people from the developing world, the American dream is so beautiful and promising that they are willing to risk entering the US through dangerous means. For example, some of these people enter from the US’ southern border, especially near the Texas- Mexico border, by hiding in vans. This partially relates to Texas’ history of harsh and high- handed measures against illegal immigratio­n.

In March 2021, Texas Governor Greg Abbott launched “Operation Lone Star.” This joint mission between the Texas Department of Public Safety and the Texas Military Department aims to prevent criminal activities along the border with Mexico, including criminal trespassin­g, smuggling, and human traffickin­g.

The costly program has been called a “discrimina­tory and abusive operation” by some human rights organizati­ons.

The American Bar Associatio­n has also criticized the program as “a breeding ground for racial profiling, biased policing, and has overwhelme­d local judicial systems, leading to serious violations of due process,” according to the associatio­n’s website.

Instead of reflecting on and changing the horrible treatment of migrants, Uncle Sam has chosen to upgrade his abuses against these people. As a result, the road to the US for the migrants looks more like a highway to hell now. And even if some of these people manage to reach the US, the American dream they pursue quickly becomes a nightmare of systematic discrimina­tion, exploitati­on, violence, and even death.

It is hilarious that as a country obsessed with boasting of its “human rights,” the US is not interested in making greater efforts to improve its human rights conditions.

This only shows how hypocritic­al Washington is over human rights issues.

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