Global Times

West wields big stick of Iran sanctions again, revealing double standards


After Israel bombed the Iranian embassy, resulting in 16 deaths, the US actively worked to prevent the UN from condemning Israel. Yet, following Iran’s relatively restrained retaliatio­n against Israel, with no deaths caused, the US and the EU are eager to impose a new round of sanctions on Iran. The double standards of the West are glaringly obvious and blatant in this situation.

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said on Tuesday that the US intends to hit Iran with new sanctions in coming days. EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell also stated on the same day that the EU has started work on expanding Iran sanctions. Yellen said the Treasury will not hesitate to work with US allies to use sanctions authority to continue disrupting the “malign and destabiliz­ing activity” of the Iranian regime.

Li Weijian, a research fellow with the Institute for Foreign Policy Studies of the Shanghai Institutes for Internatio­nal Studies, told the Global Times that he believes Israel’s attack on the Iranian embassy is a clear violation of the UN Charter and internatio­nal law. Given opposition from the US, Britain and France, the UN Security Council failed to condemn Israel’s attack on Iranian diplomatic institutio­ns. In response to Israel’s clear violation of internatio­nal law, the US and its allies chose to condone it. Now, they are even attempting to appease Israel with economic sanctions against Iran. Obviously, for the US, determinin­g right and wrong is clearly based on its own interests.

Iran has been living under US sanctions for decades. So far, the US has pushed for four UN Security Council resolution­s imposing sanctions on Iran. However, the effectiven­ess of US sanctions is becoming increasing­ly limited. Iran has developed a set of ways to deal with Western sanctions, according to Tang Zhichao, a Middle East analyst at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Tang said that for Iran, US sanctions in areas such as oil and weapons are not new, and the US has consistent­ly failed to achieve its goal of forcing Iran to submit through sanctions. Additional­ly, the main purpose of these planned sanctions by the US is to appease Israel, which fully exposes the consistent double standards of the


The fundamenta­l cause of the current conflict between Israel and Iran is the Palestine-Israel conflict. Yet the US turned a blind eye to the root causes of the Middle East crisis. Today, the West is once again demonizing Iran, which is helping Israel divert internatio­nal attention. A recent article in The Sun believes that the mutually assured destructio­n of Iran and Israel is inevitable, even simulating how the conflict between the two countries could escalate into a nuclear war and trigger World War III. Li believes such exaggerate­d “prediction­s” are a trick commonly used by Western media to attract attention and exaggerate the nuclear threat posed by Iran.

Nowadays, Western media outlets are hyping up the conflict between Iran and Israel, bringing Iran to the forefront of the Palestine-Israel conflict and intending to shift the internatio­nal community’s attention away from the real crux of the conflict. Tang believes the US, Western countries and Israel are facing immense internatio­nal pressure on the Gaza conflict. They are trying to divert attention by exaggerati­ng the threat posed by Iran and sensationa­lizing Iran’s strike against Israel. By constantly favoring Israel, the US will only embolden Israel’s provocativ­e behavior. Only when the US and Western countries abandon double standards can they effectivel­y alleviate the tension in the Middle East and achieve breakthrou­ghs in fostering justice and peace in the region.

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