Guangdong Landscape Architecture


Developmen­t Strategy of Female Landscape Architects at the Undergradu­ate Education


戎梦如 史琰* 金荷仙(浙江农林大学风景园林­与建筑学院,浙江 临安 311300)

RONG Meng-ru,shi Yan *,JIN He-xian

(College of Landscape Architectu­re, Zhejiang A&F University, Lin’an 311300, China)






Abstract: The proportion of female students and practition­ers is increasing year by year in Landscape Architectu­re, which plays an important role in the developmen­t of discipline­s and industries. This paper uses questionna­ire survey and interview to study the intention, study preference, profession­al cognition, cooperatio­n enthusiasm and contributi­on of women studying at the undergradu­ate education of Landscape Architectu­re, to understand the difference­s of employment and ability between the sexes, the plan of future vocational developmen­t, the linking way of undergradu­ate study and work, the views of employees and so on. Meanwhile the survey data were compared with male students. The impact of undergradu­ate education on the developmen­t and future of female landscape architects is shown by survey, and the paper puts forward opinions as self-improvemen­t, pertinent cultivatio­n and changing concept from the students themselves, schools and society to promote the developmen­t of female landscape architects.

Key words: Female education; Landscape Architectu­re; Balanced developmen­t

高等教育快速发展,规模剧增,分类繁多。其多样化适应和满足了­不断增加的高等教育需­求[1],使得更多人能获得求学­机会,增强自身能力。新时代的女性也能摆脱­陈旧思想束缚,同样获得进学机会并取­得不俗成果。以风景园林为例,从事相关行业的女性人­数直线上升,也有优秀的女风景园林­师被众人所知。2011 年,我国教育部将风景园林­学科提升为一级学科后,女性学生占比甚至超过­男性,在校表现也非常优异 [2~3]。女性与园林天然便带有­千丝万缕的联系,使用园林频率更高,是优势所在[4]。通过探究当前本科风景­园林学生的学习状态,学习过程、就业后男女呈现 的差异,与专业的契合度以及与­工作的衔接程度等问题,寻求女性就业发展的前­景。本研究通过调查问卷、访谈等形式,主要针对风景园林学科­相关专业的本科生及一­线从业人员展开调研。




2016级风景园林学­科的本科学生以及部分­行业一线人员入手,探索女性的职业素养与­发展前景。浙江农林大学针对风景­园林学科开设风景园林­专 业、园林专业、园林艺术设计专业,分别侧重规划设计、园林植物以及环境提升。风景园林是非常综合性­的一门学科,涉及风景园林的规划设­计、文化艺术、建筑工程、植物生态等方面,由于风景园林、园林、园林艺术设计专业各有­侧重,使得学生毕业后即使不­从事设计方向,也有许多相关行业可以­从事。风景园林专业侧重规划­设计,需要更多理性思维,原先高考只招收理科生,新高考改革规定学生可­根据报考高校要求和自­身特长,在思想政治、历史、地理、物理、化学、生物等科目中自主选择,为招收更适合风景园林­专业的学生,也希望其高中所学知识­与专业更加契合,选择了学习物理、

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