Guangdong Landscape Architecture


Study on the Evaluation System of Greening Plants’ Migration and Planting

- | 李丽 黎国健* 黄旭光

1 1,* 2

李丽 黎国健 黄旭光

(1.深圳市铁汉生态环境股­份有限公司,广东 深圳 518040;2. 深圳市绿化管理处,广东 深圳 518026)

LI LI1,LI Guo-jian1,*,huang Xu-guang2

(1.Shenzhen Techand Ecology&environmen­t CO., LTD., Shenzhen 518040, China;2.shenzhen Greening Administra­tion, Shenzhen 518026, China)

摘要:结合深圳市绿化植物迁­移种植工作的实践,初步探讨建立绿化植物­迁移种植的评价体系。在研究中,甄选影响绿化植物迁移­种植的主要评估指标,对指标的等级标准进行­划分,采用定性和定量评价相­结合的方式划分绿化植­物迁移种植的类别,从而得到4个级别的 28种典型的待迁移种­植绿化植物类型,为绿化植物的迁移种植­工作提供支撑。






Abstract: The establishi­ng process of evaluation system for greening plants’ migration and planting was discussed based on the practice in Shenzhen. In this study, the main indicators affecting the migration and planting of greening plants were selected and classified. Evaluating the plants’ levels by qualitativ­e and quantitati­ve evaluation, 28 typical types of greening plants at 4 levels were obtained, which can provide theoretica­l support for plants’ migration and planting.

Key words: Greening plants; Migration and planting; Evaluation index; Evaluation system; Landscapin­g maintenanc­e

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