Home Journal

Ode to Decoration


As we’re putting this issue to bed, I’m still on a Scandinavi­an high. I went to Sweden for the first time for the Stockholm Furniture Fair and it was an eye-opening experience. We usually equate the typical Scandinavi­an interior with white walls, blonde wood and subdued hues – but there’s actually so much diversity in terms of style and approach. "We spend a lot of time indoors and therefore invest in our homes," said

magazine’s editor-in-chief, Hanna Nova Beatrice, during a panel discussion. The weather may play a large factor, but there’s no denying that from the Danes to the Finns, they all share an inherent love of good design that inspire them to thoughtful­ly invest in their spaces.

If there’s one key point to glean, it’s embracing the process of creating a space that’s uniquely your own. Whether you’re renting a flat in the city or planning a second home in the countrysid­e, this issue features an array of interior styles to inspire you. Should you wish to craft a glamorous European like the one on our cover, an artistic and eclectic atmosphere (flip to page 182), or a modern-day beach house (turn to page 140), we’ve collated diverse points of view in our decorating special.

As with fashion, you’ll find that certain looks will speak to you. The key is to be true to yourself and your style – and not forget to have fun. We’ve got that covered, with more than 20 pages dedicated to fabric, wallpaper and textiles to add an extra punch of colour, pattern and personalit­y that transforms a good home into a great one. Should you be hungry for more design and decorating ideas, I invite you to visit our website at – where inspiratio­n lives.


雜誌總編輯Hanna Nova Beatrice在評­審討論時表示:「我們常留在室內,故應在家多作投資。」天氣固然是重要因素,但丹麥人還是芬蘭人也­同樣對良好設計擁有深­切愛慕,更不吝嗇將之注入家中。


時裝總有一個能吸引你­的造型風格。關鍵就是忠於自己和自­我風格,別怕注入玩味。我們收錄了超過20頁­布藝、牆紙、紡織等精彩內容,為你的家居混入色彩、圖案和個性。要是還未能滿足你需要,那就請登上 參考更多設計靈感。

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