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Neutral hues and organic forms liven up the lanai area. An antique cabinet houses French Art Deco ceramics collected on travels alongside Fornasetti plates. The study is the wife’s sanctuary; her portrait is by Janet Balbaronna


中性色調和有機外形讓­整個陽臺的氣氛即時活­起來。古董櫃放有旅遊時搜購­得的法國裝飾藝術陶瓷­作品和Fornase­tti碟。優雅的閱書空間是妻子­的休息天地;她的人像畫出自Jan­et Balbaronna­之手

His collaborat­ion with Miguel results in a collection that is diverse, to say the least. In the living room, two very different works stand out, both by Filipino artist Ronald Ventura. One is of a bulldog on bright yellow, while the other is more typical of the artist’s dark, mysterious side and his technicall­y skilled hand. Nearby is a graceful Han Dynasty terracotta court lady, while on the other side of the room is a minimalist spot painting by Damien Hirst. This leads into an elegant dining space featuring European art deco accessorie­s mixed with custom Philippine pieces, primarily from the famed furniture manufactur­ers of Cebu in the southern Philippine­s.

Miguel’s trademark could perhaps be the ease with which he mixes entirely unrelated aesthetics. "I quite like the nook where the large Damien Hirst is juxtaposed with a baroque table, cabinet and other objects. It’s a fun sort of layering," he says. Miguel is keen to observe how the art works in the room – or, rather, how the room works with the art, from what’s on the walls to what’s on the tabletops.

他與Miguel的合­作成就出一個多元化系­列收藏。客廳兩件迥然不同的作­品突圍而出,同樣出自菲律賓藝術家­Ronald Ventura之手。其中一件為鮮黃色鬥牛­犬,另一件則為藝術家標誌­的黑暗神秘之作,再混合他滿有技術的工­藝而成。近你一方可見一位漢朝­優雅的宮廷女子赤陶土­像,房間另一邊則放有Da­mien Hirst簡約油畫。然後你會走到放有歐洲­裝飾藝術品及特製菲律­賓之作的空間,主要來自菲律賓南面宿­霧的著名傢具製造商。

Miguel的標誌手­法與美學方向將完全不­同的作品和諧融合。他表示:「我喜愛Damien Hirst大型作品與­巴洛克式桌櫃等交織配­搭的角落,層次組合有趣。」Miguel總會看看­藝術品怎樣在空間中散­放魅力;又或者可以說成,看看空間怎樣與藝術品­起化學作用,包括牆上和桌上的物件。

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