Home Journal



A corner of the study houses prints of Father Manuel Blanco’s antique botanical engravings and a slipper chair. The master’s bedroom hosts an array of fabrics – from Bracquenie bought from Pierre Frey in Paris to Philippine Inabel pillows


書房一角放有Manu­el Blancoare神­父的古董植物圖與單椅。主人房飾以各種布藝——由購自巴黎Pierr­e Frey的Bracq­uenie,以至菲律賓Inabe­l墊子亦有包括

Every piece has a story to tell, too. "The clients and I were shopping in Hong Kong and they fell in love with the Han court lady," recalls Miguel. "I carried it on the subway at rush hour, packed like sardines in a can, guarding it with my life against the crush of people. I juxtaposed it with the women in the Takano works so they could have a dialogue over the centuries."

A collection filled with imagined conversati­ons among this wide range of contempora­ry artists – from the big names in Philippine art such as Arturo Luz, Ronald Ventura and Mariano Ching to global superstars including Takashi Murakami, Jeff Koons and Damien Hirst – is not something to be taken lightly. But the homeowner’s approach is simply to delight in his home, from moment to moment. "We actually don’t have enough walls," he says. "We need to create some more." //


來自多位當代藝術家、注滿想像力的收藏——包括菲律賓著名大師A­rturo Luz、Ronald Ventura和Ma­riano Ching,以至國際巨星村上隆、Jeff Koons和Dami­en Hirst——絕對不容輕看。但屋主的取向還是以不­同時候的愉悅感為主。「我們實在沒有足夠的牆。」他指:「是時候建些了。」//

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