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The villa features plenty of areas in which to unwind as well as entertain. The outdoor dining pavillion is the ideal place to greet a new day. Comfort is key in the light-filled living area, which opens up to the 25-metre pool and Jacuzzi. Savour gastronomi­c creations of the in-house chef in the formal dining room



Shauzoon is one of the few who is truly privy to the preference­s of the one per cent, and while he sets out to make everyone feel like royalty – including the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, who, according to British media, came in 2014 – his polished and personalis­ed service isn’t overly subservien­t. Much like an intuitive friend, his hospitalit­y is the icing on the cake, given the natural beauty of the Noonu Atoll where the resort is located and the stylish space designed by Jean-Michel.

The design of the Owner’s Villa follows the developer’s three-word brief. "They wanted the rooms to be airy, ventilated and simple," recalls Jean-Michel. "They also insisted on having a thatched roof – that was a must." The juxtaposit­ion of the thatched roof with the neutral-hued, streamline­d interior infuses the space with warmth, a feeling that is perpetuate­d with the use of other organic materials such as wood and stone. Another standout element is the soaring ceiling – each of the 47 villas on the main island has seven-metre-high ceilings; the two-storey Owner’s Villa continues in this vein. The grandiose touch imparts instant relaxation the moment you open the villa’s double doors.

Shauzoon是能­掌握尊貴客戶們愛好的­少數,讓每位客人享受到王室­般接待:英國某傳媒報導,劍橋公爵夫婦曾於20­14年到訪此處。服務精緻無瑕,而不會過度阿諛奉承。這位貼心的好幫手確實­是天然所在地Noon­u Atoll和Jean-Michel設計時尚­空間組合上的點睛一筆。

Owner’s Villa的設計緊隨­發展商三大要領。「他們希望打造開揚、通爽和簡約的房間。」JeanMichel­回想道:「並堅持以茅草蓋頂——實屬必須。」結果,茅草頂與白色俐落的室­內裝潢交織共融,為空間注入一絲暖意,並透過偶爾加入的有機­物料,如木材、石和大理石,落下焦點。另一突出元素為高聳天­花——主島上47幢別墅每幢­均擁有7米高樓底,在兩層高的Owner’s Villa內更顯出眾。別墅雙扇門徐徐打開,如此宏偉一筆即讓你感­到無比舒適稱心。

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