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The impressive art collection continues into the bedroom, which features a large monochroma­tic artwork by Serge Alain Nitegeka behind the bed. The boudoir is separated from the rest of the living area via a corridor. The mesh skeleton entitled Child and framed ink painting Skull are both by Walter Oltmann


教人讚歎不已的藝術收­藏一直延伸至睡房,床後放有Serge Alain Nitegeka的大­型素色藝術品。睡房與其他生活空間靠­一道走廊分隔。名為 的網狀骨頭作品,以及上框的水墨畫

均出自Walter Oltmann之手 latter originally screened off with little more than a curtain. Russell also incorporat­ed a north-facing balcony area behind his bathroom to create a sheltered terrace and provide some much-needed "outdoor" space.

Over time, the way Russell inhabited the space evolved. "It was a lot more minimal when I moved in," he says, looking over an interior that, over the years, has been colonised by a diverse assortment of items – folding screens, chinoiseri­e juxtaposed with Italian glass, and African totems. "It’s how my eye sees things," Russell says. "It’s in the nature of who I am. I collect, I amass and I enjoy things." Other soft touches include the recent acquisitio­n of a carpet for his lounge. "I didn’t have a carpet for nine years!" Russell exclaims. "It finally occurred to me that the space really needed one."

A gallery’s worth of art is just barely contained on the walls; it spills over onto tables and is even stacked on the floor. Russell’s personal collection – a beloved mix of commission­s, acquisitio­ns and accidental discoverie­s – is a catalogue of some of the best-known names in South African art, including sculptor Edoardo Villa, multimedia icon William Kentridge, and painter-printmaker Robert Hodgins. There are also prints, paintings, photograph­s, sculptures and installati­ons by artists including Penny Siopis, Brett Murray, Joni Brenner, Steven Cohen, Conrad Botes, Serge Alain Nitegeka, Jodi Bieber and Simon Stone.


隨時日過去, Russell在單位­中的生活方式也不停改­變。「初期搬進時,單位簡約得多。」他說著,並看看多年來室內裝潢­已被各式精品移植佔領——摺疊屏風、中國風交織意大利玻璃­和非洲圖騰。「這就是我觀看事物的方­式。」Russell表示:「生來本性就是如此。我會收集、積聚和享受事物。」其他軟裝飾包括近期為­閒座區購置的地墊。「我已有九年沒買過地墊­了!」Russell解釋道:「終於來到覺得空間需要­一張地墊的一刻。」

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