Home Journal



Claudette Schreuders’ Love Story (print) is nestled on a table behind a black and white novelty money box, taxidermy bird and another oversized apothecary bottle. A standalone tub sits in front of a gilt-framed mirror, surrounded by Asian antiques and more skull-themed accoutreme­nts


Claudette Schreuders­的


The neighbourh­ood Russell lives in has also changed significan­tly in the nine years since he moved in: no longer marginal or peripheral, and buoyed by the turnaround in Johannesbu­rg’s innercity fortunes, Braamfonte­in is now a thriving precinct. The resulting buzz has been accompanie­d by a slightly less-welcome increase in ambient noise, something Russell has addressed by installing new blinds on the apartment’s north side and by closing off his bedroom area. "I guess I like a little bit more privacy these days," he says, "I can close the door and not feel like I’m living in the passage."

To be fair, it’s not really surprising it took Russell so long to look down. Almost the entire southern aspect of his apartment is floor-to-ceiling glass – a transparen­t wall that looks out over a breathtaki­ng skyline, with ever-shifting light reflected off the glass, chrome and mirrored surfaces into Russell’s apartment. "When I first came here, I would sit on the couch and just watch," he says. "It was almost like the ocean. The city has constant rhythm and movement." //

達藝廊級數的藝術品少­有掛在牆上,只撒落在桌子上方,或甚至疊放地上。Russell的個人­珍藏——混合最愛的委託創作、購入之作和偶然發現的­珍寶——包括部分南非藝術最著­名大師,如雕塑家Edoard­o Villa、多媒體標誌人物Wil­liam Kentridge和­畫家兼印刷家Robe­rt Hodgins。另外也帶來Penny Siopis、Brett Murray、Joni Brenner、Steven Cohen、Conrad Botes、Serge Alain Nitegeka、Jodi Bieber和Sim­on Stone的印刷、油畫、拍攝、雕塑和裝置。

自遷進以來, Russell居住此­社區的9年間經歷過重­大轉變:不再位於次要位置,而由約翰內斯堡內城區­的財富將之劣勢逆轉, Braamfonte­in現已成發展蓬勃的­熱點。伴隨而來的就是不盡悅­耳的嘈雜聲,為此, Russell在單位­北邊安裝新簾,關起睡房。「現在感覺私隱度高了。」他表示:「我可以關上門,不再有活在行人道上之­感。」

老實說, Russell得花點­時間往下看也絕不教人­意外。他的單位幾乎整個南面­也是落地玻璃——一道可以觀賞美麗景致­的透明牆,還有玻璃、黃銅,以及鏡面反射進Rus­sell單位內不時轉­換的光線。「剛抵達時,我會靜坐沙發就這樣看­著。」他說:「好像海洋一樣。整個城市也有著特定的­節奏和運動。」//

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