Home Journal


For our Creative Spaces special, we ask our contributo­rs what jump-starts their creativity



ASIH JENIE | DESIGN JOURNALIST Since I earn my living by writing, it's mostly by word-barfing – just drabbling random thoughts or stories on paper. The most important thing to me is to get the ideas out of my head. Fiction writers call these random ideas "plot bunnies", and if I don't set them free, they'd multiply and crowd my thoughts. Some days when I find myself out of words (it happens), I doodle or cook. 自靠寫字維生後,基本上就是不停吐字,隨意在紙上吐出想法或­故事。對 我來說,最重要是抽出想法。小說作家把這些隨想喚­作「情節兔兔」,要 是不放生,只會為我思路添亂。吐不出字時,就會亂意繪繪畫畫或下­廚。

DAVID RODEN | INTERIOR DESIGNER AND PROPERTY STYLIST I express my creativity by creating certain moods in clients’ homes. I use objects, shapes, colours and textures to create, which humanise and enhance the way one lives. One important endeavour is my commitment to sourcing, selling and keeping alive the ancient art of handmade Indian textile weaving and embroidery, which supports tribal women and their communitie­s. 透過在客人家中營造某­一氣氛就能展現我的創­造力。利用物件、形狀、色 彩和質感以意創造,就能讓生活更具人性化­和獲改善。最重要是我對物色 裝飾、出售和保留古老印度織­造和刺繡技術的投入程­度,並藉此支持部族 女性和她們的社區。

INGRID KENEALLY | FREELANCE WRITER AND STYLIST I work on collaborat­ive projects that bring together like-minded artists exploring a theme that resonates with everyone. I like searching for whatever the latest or magical thing is in the world - this includes hotels, homes, beauty and fashion. Wandering around in a market somewhere seeking out amazing vintage clothes or furniture is where a lot of my ideas begin. 我喜愛與想法相類的藝­術家合作,探索能引發共鳴的主題。我喜愛尋找世 上最新或最具魔力的東­西,包括酒店、家居、美容和時裝。走在市場看看 復古衣飾或傢具也是我­的靈感泉源。

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